
Compact Framework - OpenNetCf.Net FTP Samples?

I am trying to get the OpenNetCF.Net FTP Components working with my PDA application. I am struggling to get it doing any more than connecting to the server and wondered if anyone knew of any sample code I could use to learn how to use it with? I need to be able to download and upload files, as well as determining the download size of an...

In Windows CE .NET 4.2, why might SetTimeZoneInfo hang?

Our product contains a task-manager system that allows applications to run code in a DLL upon a scheduled interval, specify rules about whether a failure of the task should disable the related application, etc. Mostly it's used for data-upload, data-download, local database maintenance, etc. One of the functions used is to sync the devic...

Upload and download large files - Windows Mobile (Compact Framework) via Web Services (WCF, MTOM, WCE?)

Hi all, I have searched quite a bit and can't seem to find a good stable solution, so any help will be appreciated. Here's the scenario: Windows Mobile device running client app on .NET CF 3.5 (OpenNETCF libraries being used) Web App on .NET 3.5 (Web server running IIS) Developing in VS2008, .NET 3.5 - all the latest I need to use web...

Compact-Framework: Play default text alert and vibrate

Hi all, I'm trying to put a notification into my compact framework 2.0 application that allows me to inform the user when they've received a new job. I've tried to use the following code with the latest community edition of SDF: try { OpenNETCF.WindowsMobile.Vibrate.Play(); Thread.Sleep(duration); OpenN...

Converting OpenNetCF GetSignatureEx to Bitmap on Desktop

I have a SQLite database which is running on a handheld which is capturing signatures using OpenNetCF's Smart Device Framework 2.1 running under Windows Mobile 6.1. The signatures are captured from the Signature control using the GetSignatureEx method and stored in the database. What I want to do now is reconstitute the signatures on th...

Using OpenNETCF.Net.Ftp inside a class instead of inside a Windows Form

So far I am using an FTP object inside a Windows form. FTP object runs in a separate thread, so to ensure that my app doesn't freeze up, I use the following piece of code: private void OnResponse(string response) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.Invoke(new StringDelegate(OnResponse), new object[] { respo...

how to make conference call in windows Mobile....

hi, could anyone please guide me how to make a conference call from netcf... in Windows Mobile like i have three numbers and i want to dail them for a conference call... ...

extending context menu in windows Mobile Contact

hi, i want to extend contact context menu in windows mobile. when a user right clicks on a contact with dial and other feature i want to extend and add my own item to execute my custom program or so. ...

better way to communicate between ad hoc wifi windows mobile devices

We are developing wireless ad hoc communication applications on windows mobile 6 devices using 802.11 in ad hoc mode. We are using HP iPAQ 910 devices and OpenNETCF smart device framework 2.3 for development. As a design constraint, each device is represented as an SSID. If two devices want to communicate with each other, initiator swi...

OpennetCF.FTP and Passive mode

Is it possible to transfer files through FTP using the library above in an ACTIVE FTP mode? It takes my app 13 seconds to move the 5KB file over - when I traced the code, turned out that the majority of these 13 seconds is spent on "sleeping" : time between "entering passive mode: 227" and "data transfer started", it was a good 8 second...

Unable to load DLL 'coredll.dll': The specified module could not be found. (On Windows XP)

Thanks to the gurus at StackOverflow. You guys are awesome. I posted on question on detecting idle time on a Compact framework application and got answers very quickly. When I tried the suggested solution on my Windows XP development box, I get this error Unable to load DLL 'coredll.dll': The specified module could not be found. ...

OpenNetCF - Stay Connected to Ad-Hoc Network

I'm coding in OpenNetCF for WIndows Mobile 6.0. I need my application to connect to a particular Ad-Hoc network. I find that if there is no other device connected to that same Ad-Hoc network, the device automatically switched back to some other network (that is currently available). I want my application to stay connected to the Ad-Hoc n...

how to get the browser controle from opennetCF

HI.. i want to get the browser control from opennetCF..can any one please suggest me were i have to download the OpennetCF SDK.. and how to use it to get the browser control from it,, i m new to opennetCF.. please let me know ...

Rapi.dll / OpenNETCF slow issues on Visual Studio

I am referencing OpenNETCF.Desktop.Communication (Rapi.dll) in my project and have the following problem: When I for ex. "private RAPI mobjRapi = new RAPI();"... it takes about 5 minutes to execute that statement. I am basically trying to copy a file from a mobile device An additional issue which might be related is that when I click "...

NativeMethods doesn't exist in OpenNETCF.Security.Cryptography

I got a sample snippet code from OpenNETCF and cfAes, but name space definition is missing for some reason. Here is the missing namespace: using OpenNETCF.Security.Cryptography.NativeMethods; I tried to add reference for all the OpenNETCF libraries. But didn't work me. Any thoughts? Many thanks. ...

Compact Framework : Read a SQL CE database on a PDA from a PC

Hello, I have tasked with upgrading a CF Framework 1.1 suite of apps. Currently, the PC starts a server [after confirming via RAPI that the device exists and is connected] and spawns a app on the PDA as the client. The client process on the PDA talks with the db on the PDA and returns records to the PC app [using SQL CE 2.0. OpenNETCF ...

OpenNETCF 1.4 Vs OpenNETCF 2.3

I have a chance to upgrade a legacy suite of applications currently using .net 1.1 to the newest .net framework. It uses OpenNETCF 1.4 to communicate with the mobile device. Is it worthwhile to upgrade from opennetCF ver 1.4 to ver 2.3 as well? Should I be expecting significant roadblocks/issues while doing so OR if anyone has alrea...

c# opennetCF background worker stops after 100 iterations

Hi. I have a background worker that stops after 100 iterations. Like this: BackgroundWorker bgWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); bgWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true; bgWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; bgWorker.DoWork += new OpenNETCF.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventHandler(this.bgWorker_DoWork); bgWorker.RunWorke...

c# opennetCF background worker - e.result gives a ObjectDisposedException

Hi! I'm new working with background worker in C#. Here is a class, and under it, you will find the instansiation of it, and under there i will define my problem for you: I have the class Drawing: class Drawing { BackgroundWorker bgWorker; ProgressBar progressBar; Panel panelHolder; public Drawing(ref ProgressBar pgbar,...

OpenNETCF.Stopwatch -> only ticks changing, not Elapsed

I've been trying to track down a bug I thought was thread-related, but I think instead there is an issue with the way I am using OpenNETCF's Stopwatch. I am using OpenNETCF.IoC in my application, but for the sake of simplicity I moved the following code directly into a view: public partial class WorkoutView : SmartPart { ... private S...