
IRAPIStream COM Interface in .NET

I'm trying to use the OpenNETCF RAPI class to interact with a windows mobile device using the RAPI.Invoke() method. According to the following article: http://blog.opennetcf.com/ncowburn/2007/07/27/HOWTORetrieveTheDeviceIDFromTheDesktop.aspx You can do the communication in either block or stream mode. I have used block mode before, bu...

Debugging DLL Called With CeRapiInvoke

I'm trying to debug into a C dll that is invoked on a Windows Mobile device using CeRapiInvoke() (Technically RAPI.Invoke() from OpenNETCF) from a Windows box. I'm very familiar with attaching to a process that is already running to debug a loaded dll (I've done it many time with Windows Mobile services) but I can't seem to figure out w...

RAPI copy file using OpenNETCF.Desktop.Communication.dll

Hello all, I’m currently using the OpenNETCF.Desktop.Communication.dll to copy files from my desktop to a CE device, but I keep getting an error: ‘Could not create remote file’ My development environment is VS2005 (VB.NET) My code: ObjRapi.Connect() ObjRapi.CopyFileToDevice("C:\results.txt", "\results.txt") ObjRapi.Dispose() ObjRapi...

Archiving text messages (sms)

I want to archive the text messages on my WM phone to my PC, preferably as XML. Can I access them from a PC application, e.g. through RAPI? I have no experience in WM development, just PC, and then mainly Delphi. Please no links to commercial application unless you think that's the only possible way. Edit No-one? You guys disappoint me...

Accessing a SQL Server CE database on a Windows Mobile 6 device

I have a mobile app that writes to a SQL Server CE database on the device. I want to write a desktop application that can read this data and export it in CSV format. I have been looking at RAPI (Remote Api), but I would prefer to do this entirely with managed code. Is there an alternative to RAPI? ...

CeRapiInit or CeRapiInitEx?

CeRapiInit() does not return until a device is connected and initialization is complete (synchronous). CeRapiInitEx() does, but requires a callback event handler (asynchronous). All I want is a "connecting to device" dialog with a cancel button. Which is the better approach? Any code sample out there? ...

Connecting multiple devices through RAPI2

The Microsoft RAPI2 interface is designed with the ability to talk to multiple devices. But, ActiveSync 4.5.0 allows only allows one device at a time to connect and only allows it over a USB connection. Is there a way to write a client-server piece for the desktop and mobile device that will allow more than one device to connect to the...

Rapi.dll / OpenNETCF slow issues on Visual Studio

I am referencing OpenNETCF.Desktop.Communication (Rapi.dll) in my project and have the following problem: When I for ex. "private RAPI mobjRapi = new RAPI();"... it takes about 5 minutes to execute that statement. I am basically trying to copy a file from a mobile device An additional issue which might be related is that when I click "...

Windows Mobile app copy file to desktop?

Is it possible to write a WinMo app that copies files from the device to the attached desktop? I know RAPI works from the desktop to the mobile, but I'd like to turn that around if I can. ...

CeGetSystemInfo doesn't fill the struct passed by reference

I'm trying to get information about a Windows Mobile device from a desktop application (written in C#). I searched the MSDN and found that the function I need is in rapi.dll: VOID CeGetSystemInfo (LPSYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo); The parameter is a pointer to a struct which is deffined like this: typedef struct _SYSTEM_INFO { union {...

Building RAPI.h in VS 2005, fail on open include file

Hi all, this may sound too simple, but I'm missing something. I need to write a RAPI Windows Console app using C++. I'm currently using VS2005. I've created a brand new empty Windows Consol app "MyTestRAPI" from documentation, I know I need the include of the "RAPI.H" file. So, I've tried as #include <rapi.h> and also by #includ...

Using RAPI in Windows Service

For accessing Windows CE devices from my desktop application I used self-written DLL. This DLL used RAPI to call necessary functions on device side. Everything has been working fine for years. But now I wanted to use this DLL in Windows service. And it failed. Debug shows that it is CeRapiInitEx() function that fails. And before failing...

Reading the content of a PDA directory while sync with ActiveSync

Hi, I have a project in which I would need to copy files found within a PDA (in my case, it's a MC3000 if that makes any difference). I have ActiveSync installed and it create the syncronisation folder for me just fine. However, I would like to be able to read the content of the PDA not only in its MyDocument Folder so I can't use this ...

RAPI Approach: 1 static instance for the entire winforms app vs create,connect,dispose

In many places in our application we have code like this: using(RAPI rapi = new RAPI()) { bool connected = TryToConnectWithTimeout(rapi); if(connected) DoSomethingWithRapi(rapi); } This has worked well so far. We never have more than 1 rapi instance at a time. Until now: But now we want to listen for the connect event on rap...

Get the number of Pocket PC devices connected to my PC

Hii... I want to find out the number of Pocket PC devices(In my Case they are RFID reader's).Is there any way to do thi using RAPI in C#.net?can you please help me out.... ...

how to remotely install certificate on Windows CE using RAPI and ActiveSync

I'm creating .NET application which connects to WindowsCE device using Active Sync. I'm using OpenNETCF.Desktop.Communication.dll library to connect via RAPI but I didn't find any way to install the certificate on the mobile device. ...

Killing a WinCE device process from a desktop app

I'm copying files from the desktop to a WinCE device (via the RAPI API), and if the main WinCE program is running, I need to kill it, update and restart it again. So far, I manage to copy the files and start the main program with no problem, but I cannot found a way to terminate a process via RAPI (there is a CeCreateProcess function bu...