
Is the automated testing still referred to as smoke testing?

If not, is smoke testing still used? ...

Are regression tests the entire test suite or a sample of tests?

I was taught that a regression test was a small (only enough to prove you didn't break anything with the introduction of a change or new modules) sample of the overall tests. However, this article by Ron Morrison and Grady Booch makes me think differently: The desired strategy would be to bring each unit in one at a time, perform an ...

What is a smoke testing and what will it do for me?

Edit: Smoke testing is a set of basic cheap to run tests that precede actual testing. I think it is looking for fire before handing it over to test. Thanks! I thought I understood that a smoke server was used for continous integration to measure the performance and test coverage of a project. Is this basically correct? What does it ...

How complex should smoke tests be?

So we've been running a daily build on our current project for a lot of months at this point. The smoke tests that goes along with that daily build isn't very complex, though - we run a few nUnit tests on our main class library (which, admittedly, doesn't offer great code coverage), and we make sure that things compile and build. The app...

Automated smoke testing of a WPF App?

Hi, We've got a WPF app we'd like to run automated smoke tests on it. Simple tests like load document, save document, etc, etc. I was wondering if anyone could suggest existing frame works or applications that would help with that. Thanks! ...

what are the different testings like DST, Wanem......?

Hi, can anybody explain the what are the different testings like DST,Wanem. ...

Automatically smoke test all webpages in application, after deployment

After I deploy a build to staging. I would like to have a system that smoke tests all our webpages looking for error http status codes (400,500). What is the easiest, fastest way to get a system like this into place. If I use selenium or WebAII it seems like I'd have to do alot of work generating basic unit tests. Ideally Id like t...

WPF: writing smoke tests using ViewModels

I am considering to write smoke tests for our WPF application. The question that I am faced is: should we use UI automation( or some other technology that creates a UI script), or is it good enough to use ViewModels directly (after all the viewmodels were created to make unit testing easier in a first place). ...

Smoke testing a .NET web application

I cannot believe I'm the first person to go through this thought process, so I'm wondering if anyone can help me out with it. Current situation: developers write a web site, operations deploy it. Once deployed, a developer Smoke Tests it, to make sure the deployment went smoothly. To me this feels wrong, it essentially means it takes t...

Is possible to run some Unit Tests as smoke tests from an .aspx?

In my project we use UnitTests (MsTest). We run them manually and in the build script. But for some environments where we deploy manually. We are in the need of having some smoke tests. At the moment I made this smoke tests "manually" (Login, create an user, create a licence, create a product, etc). I know I can run unit tests from co...