
Blackberry - How to implement ListField Smooth Scrolling?

Overview I'm using a listfield class to display a set of information vertically. Each row of that listfield takes up 2/5th's of the screen height. As such, when scrolling to the next item (especially when displaying an item partially obscured by the constraints of the screen height), the whole scroll/focus action is very jumpy. I would...

Silverlight 3 - ListBox : how to achieve Smooth Scroll and catch MouseDown/MouseUp events

I'm trying to adapt the behaviour of the ListBox for my needs and I ran into several problems 1) How can you programatically set the scrolling position of the ListBox The ListBox does not provide an accessor to its inner ScrollViewer so that you cannot scroll it to wherever you want. 2) How to accurately set the vertical scrolling (i.e...

Scrolling an HTML page with javascript?

I created a page that scrolled via JavaScript but in some browsers it does not scroll very smoothly when you and text to the page? And it doesn't seem to work at all in chrome. My question is: What is the best method to create smooth scrolling html pages using JavaScript that works cross browser. To get an idea of what I was trying ...

Scrolling a Canvas smoothly in Android

I'm new to Android. I am drawing bitmaps, lines and shapes onto a Canvas inside the OnDraw(Canvas canvas) method of my view. I am looking for help on how to implement smooth scrolling in response to a drag by the user. I have searched but not found any tutorials to help me with this. The reference for Canvas seems to say that if a Canv...

Android: How to detect when a scroll has ended

I am using the onScroll method of GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener to scroll a large bitmap on a canvas. When the scroll has ended I want to redraw the bitmap in case the user wants to scroll further ... off the edge of the bitmap, but I can't see how to detect when the scroll has ended (the user has lifted his finger from the scr...

Android Custom View - Optimizing Redrawing while Fling

I have a custom view that represents something like a photo-collage. I need to support the following: Fling Zoom In Zoom Out Here's what I currently do: onDraw: Look out for the number of images to be drawn. Look out for the images to be drawn and their locations and angles If the image had been downloaded (from the ser...

Ipad/Iphone like scrolling

Have any of you seen like a javascript library that allows fluid div scrolling. I kind of want to do something like the scroll bars in google wave...but maybe less annoying. I happen to love them but it doesn't seem like they're getting that good of a review. ...

jQuery move and accelerate to a direction for unknown distance (smooth scroll)

Imagine this code (simplified) <img id="leftArrow"/> <div style="overflow:hidden; width:300px"> <img id="wideImage" style="width:1000px; position:absolute; left:0"/> </div> <img id="rightArrow"/> that will result in something like this How do you make #wideImage scroll smoothly to the left when #rightArrow is hovered? I am after ...

MooTools onLoad SmoothScrolling (Lim Chee Aun Method)

From the post Lim Chee Un made here: window.addEvent(‘domready’, function() { new SmoothScroll({ duration:700 }, window); var el = window.location.hash.substring(1); // the hash if(el) { window.scrollTo(0,0); var scroll = new Fx.Scroll(window, { wait: false, duration: 700, transition: ...