
What is a .snk for?

Hi, What is a .snk file for? I know it stands for Strongly Named Key, but all explanations of what it is and how it works goes over my head. Is there any simple explanation on how a strongly named key is used and how it works? I'm using this in BizTalk server. ...

Do I need a new .snk keyfile for each version of a strong named library?

If I strong name a class library with a .snk file, do I need to replace this .snk file with a new if I create a new version of the same library? ...

How do I use snk file to sign data in PHP?

How to convert the .snk RSA keypair file used to sign the .NET assemblies to XML based files that can be used with PHP or other software? XML file sample: <BitStrength>1024</BitStrength><RSAKeyValue><Modulus>tk=</Modulus><Exponent>QB</Exponent></RSAKeyValue> ...

What to consider when strong name signing a managed application?

I want to strong name a managed application which references many managed assemblies and ActiveX and COM components (written in C++) via interop. And because a strongly named assembly cannot reference weakly named assemblies, could you please tell me what problems that I should be prepared for, what you have run into, especially when de...

Snk file & Delay Signing

I am working with a set of delay signed assemblies which I am able to install and load from GAC after skipping verification (sn -Vr * ... Since Delaysigning as a process requires only the public key file sn -k keys.snk (both Public & Private keys) sn -p keys.snk pkey.snk (only public key) Add pkey.snk to project properties and chec...

Multiple projects need to use 1 SNK file

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and I have a solution which contains multiple projects. I have 1 snk to sign my assemblies and this lives in a solution folder. I've linked the snk to each of my projects but now when I attempt to sign my project with that linked snk I can't find the snk file with the file dialog. Have I missed a step here...

How to extract the private key from an snk file

Hello. I am trying to have my application (C# under .NET 3.51 SP1) recognize that a file has come from a "safe" source. My approach was I would sign the application and then, at a later date, I would use the private key from the same snk file to sign files. The application would use the public key (easily obtainable) and calculate if t...