
Submitting Data via GET with "Snoopy" in PHP

I'm trying to send data to a url via GET in PHP. I've decided to go with the Snoopy Class after receiving an answer to another question here. The thing is, I cannot seem to find very good documentation/examples for the methods in this class. I see the ->httprequest() method, but I don't see where I can add an array of values along with ...

Creating an object from a class in Codeigniter

The following codes are from and codes are working well. This is an example of using snoopy in codeigniter. Q1. Am I correct to say that I can't use, $this -> load -> library('snoopy') since Snoopy.php does not create an object. And the example below is the way to do it? If so, can you ...

Posting with snoopy using proxy takes too long

Hi I have a php script which tries to do a post. I use Snoopy class and also I use proxy. I managed to post but when I use a proxy the posting is extremely slow. I mean it can take till 30 minutes. I don't want to block my script for 30 minutes waiting for a post. Any idea how could I solve this? The code looks like: require('../includ...

cURL problem fetching binary data via HTTPS

Hi everyone, I need to fetch images for one of my projects via https connection. I use Snoopy PHP class as HTTP server. This class uses cURL program for performing https requests, I mean it calls cURL directly using system() PHP function. The problem is that I get images broken. When I fetch HTML pages through secure connection, everythi...

cURL/Snoopy: How do I read cookie data when sending POST data in the background, API?

Hey I have a script that POSTs all data sent to it directly to another page. On the second page, the script calls for several variables set as $var = $_COOKIE['name']; The problem is that the script seems to not set the variables that read data based on cookies any time the script is called from a background cURL/Snoopy POST. How can ...

PHP - Snoopy POST request + maintain SESSION?

Using Snoopy I make a request, but it seems that a different SESSION is used for the POST? When I echo the results of the request the SESSION is set but after clicking any link the page returns to a non SESSION-set state. Currently i'm using v.little code to make the request $dashboard = new Snoopy; $dashboard->referer = "URL"; $dashb...

C# Equivalent of Snoopy

Snoopy is a PHP class that provides the functionality of a web-browser. Is there anything that does the same in C#? I'm having lots of trouble with handling cookies, etc. ...

How to convert log of USBSnoopy to set of commands for usb-robot-slave?

Hello :) I used USB Snoopy to record piece of communication between my PC and USB scanner. Now I want to replay this "record" in usb-robot-slave. The problem is that I don't know how to convert log of USB Snoopy to something understandable by usb-robot :/ So I have 2 options: Find application whith do it for me (usb-robot-master is ...