
How to handle minoccurs="0" when calling web services?

I have a web service I am trying to call using a mainframe integration product (DataDirect Shadow z/Services), but my question is more of a general one. I want to know how an element defined as minOccurs="0" is typically handled. The operation on the 3rd party service I am calling has a complexType element where all of the elements wit...

Content-Type Missing "start=" Tag in Java SOAP Client, Attachment not Found by Server

I am creating a Java client for a SOAP service that takes an attachment. I'm using java.xml.soap classes, which I have uses before, but not with attachments. The server claims that my attachment is not included. I used SoapUI, which works, and wireshark to compare my SOAP message to a working SOAP message. One big difference is tha...

WCF service returns 404 over https but not http

I'm migrating an existing service from HTTP (Dev/UAT) to HTTPS (Production), and I'm having trouble with the configuration. Here is the system.serviceModel section of my web.config: <system.serviceModel> <behaviors> <serviceBehaviors> <behavior name=""> <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" /> <se...

How are REST Array Parameters handled over MultiPart Form and XMLRPC?

Im using an API and one of the ways this API works is it lets you declare an array of parameters for some calls. The way they describe the rest request looks like this:[]=option1&amp;params[]=option2 This declares 2 array parameters in the array of parameters (option1 and option2) How would these be sent ov...

XElement not declared when using Service Reference Proxy with XmlAnyElementAttribute

I am working on a Windows Phone 7 app that talks to a 3rd party Soap service. I used 'Add Service Reference' to the wsdl to generate the proxy class. Some calls work, but certain outbound calls that make use of an 'sObject' class result in the error "The type System.Xml.Linq.XElement was not expected. Use the XmlInclude or SoapInclude at...

How to log calls to webservice via SOAP in PHP

Hi I am using a third party webservice via SOAP from a HTML page: This page refers to a proxy page (in PHP): Now I need to know what parameters are being passed by the PHP file, what the webservice is returning etc. i.e. log all ...

Intercept SOAP messages from and to a web service at the client

Hi, I have a client that communicates with a web service. The class that I communicate with is a C# class that is generated through wsdl.exe. I now want to log all incoming and outgoing messages. What I've done so far is to write a class that inherits from the automatically generated C# Class and I have overridden the GetReaderForMess...

Secure connection using SOAP

I need to call a .NET SOAP webservice in a secure way. It must be secure in such a way that others can't call the WebService methods, and also it should not be possible for "the middle man" to understand the content of the messages. The caller will also be a .NET webapplication installed on another IIS. I can design the webservice metho...

SOAP PHP : Generating a complex array to pass to web service

Hi. 2 distinct problems. I'm using the PHP SOAP class to pass some XML to a webservice. I can generate simple arrays just fine, and these work perfectly with the webservice. 1.When I try to generate a complex (arrays within arrays) query I'm getting errors. 2.Also I don't understand how to insert a parameter(???) into an XML tag. B...

Adding a SOAP / XML parameter in PHP

Hi I am using SOAP in PHP. At the moment I am submitting the tag <TAG>DATA</TAG> But I want to submit <TAG parameter=value>DATA</TAG> For the life of me, I can't find out how to do this. I don't even know what this parameter=value pair is referred to as? Can anyone help please? ...

Is it possible to create a SOAP API using C# and JavaScript

I am looking to create a SOAP API using C# which I can then call using JavaScript. I use C# regularly but do not have any experience with creating API's. I would like to call the API using JavaScript as this will be used to submit form data from multiple websites not maintained by us. If there is a better solution than SOAP I am open ...

PHP Server was unable to process request.

This is my coding can any one help: <?php class clsWSSEAuth { private $Username; private $Password; private $Meruser; private $Merpass; function __construct($username, $password) { $this->Username=$username; $this->Password=$password; //$this->Merhcan...

JAX-WS vs SAAJ Style, Which to Use

What is difference, philosophical or otherwise, between calling a web service from Java code using Service and Dispatch classes, vs a SOAPConnection class? For example, something like this: SOAPConnectionFactory scf = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance(); SOAPConnection soapConnection = scf.createConnection(); SOAPMessage reply = soapCo...

"System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException" error while wsdl service with php

Hello I am using PHP and nusoap library to access a WSDL service with SOAP. My syntax is correct as i have test it with another wsdl URL. But when i use my desired URL i get the following Array ( [faultcode] => soap:Server [faultstring] => System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---...

how can I parse http post content included well formed XML and binary data ??

Hi Guys, I am receiving mobile originated MMS to some web app as http post. When I receive the content it includes some raw information, a well formed XML and Binary formatted data (i.e. Image). I want to fetch the XML so I can parse it and binary data from the content to convert it into an image. Following is the content sample: ...

gSOAP does **not** close sockets ??

Hi all, I've an issue with gSoap - it's not closing the socket.. Here's the situation: the application is working fine, but when I call "reload" function, it cannot reconnect.. Here's a piece of code: soap_destroy( &m_soapObj ); soap_end( &m_soapObj ); soap_done(&m_soapObj); sleep(1); soap_init(&m_soapObj); //m_ptrThis should be in...

application completely SOA?

Is it wise to build a large application entirely based off SOA? Or just some portions? User account logins, accounting, gis mapping, sales, etc? In other words, would it be wise to build a GUI to such an application in HTML & Javascript which does all it's exchanges via ajax to .NET web services on the back-end? I can't see it worth ...

PHP SoapClient get gzip wsdl

My SoapClient cant open a gzipped wsdl file directly. Feel free to take a look at the WSDL your self, I think its public ( I tried a bunch of settings like $client = new SoapClient("", array('compression' => SOAP_COMPRESSION_ACC...

Glassfish, EJB3, SOAP web service and basic authentication

Hi all, I'm setting up a glassfish server with a single EJB3 as a mocked up backend for a POC. Everything was working fine until I went to add some basic authentication. Just plan text userid and password, nothing sophisticated for this job. I added the following annotations to the EJB: @WebService(name = "Banking", serviceName = "Banki...

Soap in Groovy - keep getting NoSuchMethodError

Newbie question: I'm new to groovy & soap , so I might be missing out on something here: I'm trying to communicate with a very basic web service : import ... def proxy = new SoapClient("") res = proxy.Method1("ABC", "123"); println (res); It seems the connect...