
How to find interesting companies

Hello, Im a programmer in India, have been working for 2 years now. While my current job is run of the mill internal software for a large telecom company, its not the kind of work im looking for in my next job. Job boards like have exactly these kinds of jobs listed.(like the one im doing now) How do i find a company wher...

Pitfalls to avoid when starting a software company.

It's been my goal to start my own software company basically since I started programming HyperCard on System 6 back in elementary school. Recent changes in my job situation have convinced me that I should be pursuing this goal more actively. My question is, what are some pitfalls that I should avoid when starting a software company? ...

Released/production version got heap corruption. Solution preventing it?

In our company we somehow got code to production which crashed(because Heap got corrupted somehow). Developers developed, after that testers had hands on it and later on it was released natural way(monthly release). Everything was fine till it crashed... We tried to investigate it and found many places where we could get a heap corruptio...

Do you - or does your company - give back to the Open Source / Free Software communities?

Probably most of you use or have used open source/free software for your professional work. Personally I've been using free software tools on most of my jobs. I use free operative systems, IDE's and frameworks on my current job, and the idea is to give back to these projects somehow. Do you - or does your company - support free software...

When applying for a job, how can I detect whether companies have good development practices?

I'm a senior CS major currently applying for software and web development jobs. As much as we talk about development best practices in the software community, I've heard plenty of horror stories about companies that don't really apply them. (For example, see this SO thread) So, in a job interview (or in the research I conduct before app...