
How do I evaluate dependency properties in silverlight/WPF from S.O.S. ?

Hello all. This question is fairly straightforward -- I am trying to debug a memory leak in a silverlight application using s.o.s. I was able to get some good info using !gcroot to determine what objects have open references to the one that should be getting cleared; but in these cases they tend to be core UI elements (like grid and st...

Can I run a .NET garbage collection from WinDbg?

I'm looking into why a managed process is using a lot of memory. Is there a way to run GC.Collect(3) from WinDbg, so that I can focus on the actual memory allocation? ...

How can I view the local variables on the evaluation stack when debugging a .NET CLR application?

I'm using Windbg (with the sos extention) and trying to debug a crashed application. I was able to dump the IL of the call that threw the exception and by examining the code, it seems like I could obtain the information that I need if I could dump the contents of the evaluation stack. Is it possible to do what with WinDbg & sos ? Here...

live debugging a stack overflow

I have a managed code Windows Service application that is crashing occasionally in production due to a managed StackOverFlowException. I know this because I've run adplus in crash mode and analyzed the crash dump post mortem using SoS. I have even attached the windbg debugger and set it to "go unhandled exception". My problem is, I can'...

Can't Check in folder recursively in SourceOffsite

I am trying to check in a folder which contains few more folders inside it. How do I check them in recursively using SourceOffsite? If I select a parent folder, only the files gets checked in. Thanks ...

How to see managed exception details in WinDBG?

VS2005 C# Compiler crashes during our team's nightly build process. I attach to it with WinDBG, load SOS extensions, print the callstack, but cannot see exception info. I tried !PrintException, as follows: 0:000> !PrintException There is no current managed exception on this thread Here's the top of callstack: 0:000> !...

I'm looking for links to cdb/windbg + .net help.

I just started using cdb and I love it! I've found and bookmarked a few interesting articles I've found on using cdb, but I'd love to see other peoples resources. What sites do you use to extract the max usefulness from cdb (windbg) ...

.Net Memory Dump: !eeheap -gc: where do the GC generations start and end?

I think I'm missing some fundamentals here so hopefully this post can clarify this. I've taken a dump and am looking at the managed heap and am interested in looking specifically at what objects are within each heap. Here is the output from the debugger: 0:000> !eeheap -gc Number of GC Heaps: 1 generation 0 starts at 0x3cca447c generat...

Windbg: SOS.dll: !gcroot: DOMAIN(xxx):HANDLE(Pinned):Does it really mean object is pinned?

The documentation on the SOS.dll Windbg extension seems sparse. After issuing a !gcroot <address>, I am getting something containing the following: DOMAIN(XXX):HANDLE(Pinned):XXX:Root:XXX(System.Object[])-> Does "HANDLE(Pinned)" really mean there is a GCHandle of type GCHandleType.Pinned that is rooting this object? ...

Lost in WinDbg with 64-bit dump on 32-bit machine

I'm a newbie with WinDbg and got this dump from the WER ReportQueue folder on a 64-bit Windows 2008 Server. I need to examine the dump and want to do so on my developer machine on which I've installed the Debugging Tools for Windows package. When I try to load SOS I got the following error which I've never seen before: 0:035> .loadby so...

Using SOS, it possible to merge all files in a branch to the trunk in one operation?

Is there any way to tell SOS to merge all the latest files in a given branch into the trunk? I've checked out all the files that are going to change. I can merge single files by selecting the latest branch revision and using the Revision->Merge menu command. However, the option is greyed out if I select more than one file. I've quite ...

How do I work effectively with SOS debugging extensions?

When I use .load SOS in Visual Studio's immediate window and accitentally issued a command that result in a long list of output (e.g. !dumpheap -type System.String -min 100), the immediate window just can't stop listing the values and keeps scrolling for hours. All I can do is kill the process and restart debugging. This is very annoying...

How do I use !gcroot

From within visual studio immediate window with SOS debugging extension loaded I can do !dumpheap -stat Then I get something like this: total 108,014 objects Statistics: MT Count TotalSize Class Name ... 0x00be209c 135 714108 System.Object[] 0x79b925c8 218 2659728 System.String 0x00be2c3c ...

How to walk a native object in WinDbg?

I am investigating what is taking up lots of memory in my app. Using the !DumpObj command, I can get around the managed objects. But how do I do the equivalent for native objects? For example, this .NET object has a pointer to native code. I am stuck here... how do I do the equivalent of !DumpObj from here? I have all the source and...

Why aren't these WCF related resources cleaned up?

Here is my scenario: Start my test program and immediately break into the debugger (WinDBG) Take a !DumpHeap -stat and observe there are no System.Net* or System.Xml* objects anywhere Create my WCF client, make a WCF request Close the WCF client and force GC. Take a !DumpHeap -stat and observer there are tons of System.Net*, System.Xml...

how to use windbg find out SqlConnection.ConnectionString?

I can use "!do" to dump the SqlConnection instance but not sure how to find out its ConnectionString: 0:018> !do 2fa7730 Name: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection MethodTable: 000007fef4455968 EEClass: 000007fef42b6530 Size: 104(0x68) bytes (C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_64\System.Data\\System.Data.dll) Fields: ...

What does the +0x10 mean next to function addresses in WinDbg SOS exception stacks?

Example: InnerException: StackTrace (generated): SP IP Function 003D8E9C 03B21BD7 Something!Blah.Blah.FunctionName(System.String)+0xa8 What does the +0xa8 part indicate? ...

Can I see what is referencing an object while debugging?

Is it possible, while debugging a Silverlight app, to view all current references to an object? I know that WPF developers have the ability to use the SOS.dll, but that cannot be loaded in the VS2008 IDE while debugging a Silverlight app. I've tried it, but the load command gives me the error: .load C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silve...

How to dump only the first object address with !DumpHeap (.load sos)

I habe a few million objects hanging around in memory. I want to find the gcroots for them so I need an object address. !DumpHeap however dumps all objects which is taking longer than i had the patience to wait. How can i limit its output to only one object address? I am using Visual Studio 2008 btw. ...

Web application single-sign-on

Hello my people, Please help!! We are planning to buy a Single-Sign-On application that we can easily plug-in into our applications from any reliable company. At the moment we have few sites websites hosted on different domains and developed with different application ( and php). Please I would like someone to introduce any g...