
Sparse checkout in Git 1.7.0?

With the new sparse checkout feature in Git 1.7.0, is it possible to just get the contents of a subdirectory like how you can in SVN? I found this example, but it preserves the full directory structure. Imagine that I just wanted the contents of the 'perl' directory, without an actual directory named 'perl'. -- EDIT -- Example: My git...

Selective Checkout or a View, on a project in repository

I have a bunch of interconnected projects which share the same project tree. I'm looking for a version control system which provides a possibility to checkout a subset of the project tree. If my the full project tree looks like this: Project Root |-Feature1 | |-SubFeature11 | \-SubFeature12 |-Feature2 | |-SubFeature21 | \-Su...

How to place a directory from a .tar archive into a subversion sparsed checkedout working copy parent

Suppose you have a subversion repository with a directory /trunk/huge that is huge (thousands of files > 1G) and doesn't change very often. You check it out sparsely avoiding /trunk/huge, e.g. svn co --depth immediates ^/trunk trunk for f in trunk/*; do if [ "$f" != "trunk/huge" ]; then svn up --set-depth infinity $f; fi;...

git clone with different file permissions

On our server are three (in reality: thousands of) text files stored in a bare git repository: A.txt, B.txt, C.txt. User "admin" should view/edit them all. User "Foo" should view/edit "A.txt" and "B.txt" but he is not allowed to see the content of "C.txt". User "guest" should only be allowed to view/edit "A.txt". All three users sho...

Does SVN support merging into sparse checkouts?

I'm trying to merge a branch into a sparse checkout (all the files I touched in the branch are included in the checkout) and I'm getting the following error: Cannot reintegrate into a working copy not entirely at infinite depth Does this mean what I think it means? That you have to have a fully recursive checkout in order to merge ...