
SpeechSynthezier.PhonemeReached event and control characters

I am creating a small silverlight widget which pronounces a word and highlights each syllable as it is pronounced. As part of this, I am using the SpeechSynthesizer.PhonemeReached event to determine the start and end times of each phoneme (as a step in figuring out the start and end times of each syllable). The weird thing is that the ...

Posting xml with ServerXMLHTTP timeout

I'm working on two websites. One is an existing classic asp site which posts xml to a new asp.net (.net 3.5) website. The classic asp site is using msxml's serverxmlhttp object in vbscript to send this xml over. The whole thing works until I make a seemingly unrelated change to the asp.net site. When I add a few lines of code that us...

Is there any japanese TTS voice to work with C# SpeechSynthesizer

Is there any Japanese voice for C#'s SpeechSynthesizer TTS? If so please state detailed information about it, better if documentation provided. Thanks in advance. ...

Are the SpeakCompletedEventArgs of the SpeechSynthesizer inaccurate?

Using the System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer class in .Net 3.5, the AudioPosition property of the SpeakProgressEventArgs appears to be inaccurate. The following code produces the following output: Code: using System; using System.Speech.Synthesis; using System.Threading; namespace SpeechTest { class Program { stat...

Text to MP3 using System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer

I am trying to get a text-to-speech to save to an MP3. Currently I have the System.Speech.Synthesis speaking to a WAV file nicely. With New System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer '.SetOutputToWaveFile(pOutputPath) This works fine .SetOutputToWaveStream(<<Problem bit>>) .Speak(pTextToSpeak) .Se...

System.Speech.Synthesis and Windows Server 2003

Has anyone got System.Speech.Synthesis work on Windows Server 2003? I have a simple TTS that works on XP, but on Windows Server 2003, I get the system.invalidoperation exception. I hope the solution is not to use the Voice Server. EDIT: Anyone? Any help? Please? ...

C# WinForm not Responsive - System.Speech - Help

Here's a code from the C# Windows Form SpeechSynthesizer audio = new SpeechSynthesizer(); audio.Speak(textBox1.Text); This will read anything that is in the textbox Problem in trying to implement the pause and stop feature.Any button or menuitem doesnt get clicked when the code reads something public void button1_Click(object se...

SpeechSynthesizer in C# creates wav that has 22kHz... needs to be 16kHz

My C# application needs to covert text to wav file and inject it into a Skype call. The code that creates the wav file is below. The problem is that the file has 22kHz sample rate and Skype accepts only 16kHz. Is there any way to adjust this setting? using (System.IO.FileStream stream = System.IO.File.Create("message.wav")) { System....

How to Create a Simple Dictation Pad in Delphi2009+Vista

the code are not so complecated.. private { Private declarations } SpSharedRecoContext1 : TSpSharedRecoContext; fMyGrammar : ISpeechRecoGrammar; procedure SpSharedRecoContext1Recognition(ASender: TObject; StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant; ...

Can you recommend a speech synthesiser for .NET?

I've used the built in speech synthesiser with C#/.NET but the options are limited and I'd like something more flexible. Any recommendations? ...

How can I dumb down our cutting-edge Text-to-Speech?

Back in the old days, text-to-speech, as cutting edge as it was, was very imperfect. When you typed in a word, it would pretty much read it how you spelled it... in monotone. Oftentimes, the result would be very funny. Nowadays, Text-to-Speech is too intelligent to goof in ways that can bring a laugh. As a personal project, I'd like ...

c# SpeechSynthesizer in other languages

how can I have SpeechSynthesizer to switch to other languages using C# 2010. Thanks ...

TTS to Stream with SpeechAudioFormatInfo using SpeechSynthesizer

I am using System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer to convert text to speech. And due to Microsoft's anemic documentation (see my link, there's no remarks or code examples) I'm having trouble making heads or tails of the difference between two methods: SetOutputToAudioStream and SetOutputToWaveStream. Here's what I have deduced: Se...

What is the best software for training new voices (text to speech)?

My client would like to know how to create a digital voice. What's the best approach to this, such that the voice could perform text-to-speech? To clarify, I meant to ask what APIs exist for accomplishing this? ...