can i use stripes tag library and spring mvc togther.
I want to use stripes tag library specifically layout features. My rest of the project is handled by spring mvc. Is this possible to use stripes without adding any stripes filter? ...
I want to use stripes tag library specifically layout features. My rest of the project is handled by spring mvc. Is this possible to use stripes without adding any stripes filter? ...
Everywhere I look I can only see people adding external jars to their Spring MVC web projects when starting a new one. Why isn't there a simple project facet for adding these to a project? I mean, what's the point of creating all these neato eclipse plugins if I can't quickly start a dynamic web project for spring framework without going...
Type is enum property in object. jsp: <form:radiobutton path="type" value="Male" /> java: public enum TestType { Male, Female; } and got error Unable to convert value 'Male' from type 'java.lang.String' to type 'java.lang.Enum'; reason = 'java.lang.Enum is not an enum type' ...
I am starting on Springsource using Spring Roo. Q1. Am I correct to say that Spring Roo automates a lot of tedium out of Spring? I am asking that because when I follow non-roo tutorials on Spring, I am reading that I have to perform a significant amount of configuration and stubs which would have been done by roo. I don't see why, prio...
I have a domain object called Order, and it has a collection attribute called serviceOrders where a collection of service --- order m:m association relationships are hold. public class Order implements Serializable { private Long id = null; private BigDecimal amountPaid; private BigDecimal accountReceivable; private User user; p...
I added this login link to my Spring app: <a href="<spring:url value="/j_spring_security_login" htmlEscape="true" />"> Sign In </a> My assumption was that because this is a built-in tag for accessing the login page, Spring would know how to associate this with an appropriate handler without me having to specify it explicitly. However...
I'm trying to set up a new Spring MVC project using springsource tool suite and the Spring Template project wizard. The wizard asks for a top-level package name such as, but it seems to ignore any top level package greater than 3 levels deep Is this by design, or is it a bug in the wizard. Can anybody recommend an...
Hi, I have two controllers , a simple form controller and a multiaction controller. Now, in simpleformcontroller, i want to redirect a request to multiaction controller. Here's code snippet in simpleformcontroller protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException ...
I'm trying to follow a tutorial on setting up Spring MVC to work on Google App Engine. For the purposes of this question I'm using Eclipse, Maven, and a Ubuntu development environment. I'm able to successfully build my application, as the following snippet shows : INFO] Building war: /home/james/workspace/springappengine/target/spring...
I am doing an simple user crud. My ApplicationUser has the following properties: private Long id; private String password; private String username; private Collection<Authority> myAuthorities; private boolean isAccountNonExpired; private boolean isAccountNonLocked; private boolean isCredentialsNonExpired; private boolean isEnabled; A...
Hi All, I am working on a web project using spring mvc and i am using jquery.sheet plugin to create a spreadsheet on the web page. You can check this at The sheet is internally using html table to display the rows. I want to select a particular row from the sheet but i am not able to do it. A...
I am new to spring mvc and have seen examples where folks use @ModelAttribute("form") Person person in method parameter and some who just do (Person person). what is the difference. Thanks in advance ...
I am doing an user crud in spring-mvc. My model has the following properties: private Long id; private String password; private String username; private Collection<Authority> myAuthorities; private boolean isAccountNonExpired; private boolean isAccountNonLocked; private boolean isCredentialsNonExpired; private boolean isEnabled; I so...
Hi, I am trying to submit a Ext form on click of a link. By clicking on link I call a javascript function and submit the form there. I am also using spring, so when I submit the form it goes to the controller and process the request and hit the database and i return a modelandview object where i set the view name and an arraylist. but ...
Hi people, I've got the following exception while trying to open the URL http://localhost:8080/app/clientes/agregar: javax.servlet.ServletException: Could not resolve view with name 'clientes/agregar' in servlet with name 'Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet' My mvc-config.xml is the following: <mvc:annotation-driven /> <bean class="org.s...
How can I write the freemarker templates like this: <#import "spring.ftl" as s> <@s.form path="object" action="/" method="POST"> <@s.formInput "name"/> <!-- I want this resolved as "" --> <!-- 100s of other properties... --> </@s.form> instead of this: <#import "spring.ftl" as s> <form action=...
I have a small Spring MVC webapp (which embeds ActiveMQ) that is designed to run in a local Tomcat, and reliably message to a queue on a remote ActiveMQ. All of that's in place, except for the "reliably". At the moment, if the remote site goes down, the send fails dramatically. My send config: <!-- Connection setup --> <bean id="connec...
Hello All, I'm new to Spring and little confused of how to use beans for populating and retrieving values to/from the view. Here is what I'm doing now. In the controller I'm initializing two beans and I'm using to retrieve values FROM the view and for pre-populating the view. Here ...
Hi all. Is there a way to set a specific location where the ResourceBundleViewResolver should look for the files? By specific location I mean somewhere not inside the classpath but anywhere in the file system / network resource. Thanks in advance. ...
I've tried using the Spring Templaate project in Springsource Toolsuite, but there appears to be a bug in the wizard. I'm looking for some recommendations on how to get the shell of a project. ...