
Manual authentication in spring using the rememember me cookie

I have a requirement by which I need to detect user authorization in the login screen itself. (refer to my Previous Question) I tried and searched for a cookie by name SPRING_SECURITY_REMEMBER_ME_COOKIE I found one and its value is hashed... Is it possible for Login to make an ajax call to the server with the value of this cookie and au...

using request builder to authenticate user: Not working in spring security

I need to authenticate a user in a page based on the remember me cookie, inspired by this site: Tutorial for checking spring authentication, I came up with a solution for checking the authentication. Changes made in my application applicationContext-security.xml: <intercept-url pattern='/**AuthenticationChecker.html' access="ROLE_ADMI...

maven repo spring-security RC

hi! can't find it anywhere: <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.security</groupId> <artifactId>spring-security-core</artifactId> <version>3.0.0.RC2</version> </dependency> same with RC1. Does anyone now where to get it? thanks ...

Spring Security & CAS - Viewing secured page without login in

Hello, I have a webapp that uses Spring Security and SSO with CAS. There's also another webapp (in Classic ASP) that connect to CAS. And this situation happens sometimes: Logged in to Java webapp and do stuff. 12 hours later (session has expired long ago) user goes to same page and it displays without redirecting to login page. This pag...

Spring Security: Cannot access target page even after successful login

Spring version: 2.5.6 SEC01 Spring Security version: 3.0.0 RC1 I'm attempting to integrate Spring Security with a Spring MVC application. The security part is largely based on the example applcation that ships with Spring Security. I've defined some pages that require a specific role to access them and as expected, when accessing them w...

Tips for implementation of the spring-oauth RandomValueProviderTokenServices class.

I need to implement the oauth spring persistence for RandomValueProviderTokenServices class. The class that needs to be stored according to the abstract protected methods of the RandomValueProviderTokenServices is OAuthProviderTokenImpl. however, this class contains a reference to Authentication interface which has various implementation...

Spring Security Encypt MD5

Hi. I have a java web application using spring framework and spring security for its login. In my database I have my passwords encrypted to MD5 before being saved. I added in my application-config.xml this codes <security:authentication-provider> <security:password-encoder hash="md5"/> <security:jdbc-user-service data-source-ref="dat...

How to manage security with google guice ?

Is there a way to handle security with google guice (like with Spring Security) ? ...

Checking if specific user has a role

Hi, is there some pretty way to check if some specific user (not the one that is logged in) has some specific role? Here is grails example (generally the same for plain Java but syntax): def user = User.get(1) //Get user with id 1 if (ifAnyGranted(user,"ROLE_ADMIN")) { //This is the line I need to implement somehow ... } Thanks in a...

Spring Security: Multiple Logins to the same resources: Form Login + Facebook Connect (uid, sessionKey)

To begin I know about http://blog.kadirpekel.com/2009/11/09/facebook-connect-integration-with-spring-security/ The only problem is that it completely replaces the Form Login with Facebook Connect. I have the native form login in place, I also have Facebook Connect in place, Upon gathering user information I link it to a native accoun...

Open id authentication in the same page

I have a requirement where the login page opens up the main page in a popup, this is how I handled it in normal authentication: <http> ... <form-login login-page="/Login.html" authentication-failure-url="/LoginHandler.jsp" always-use-default-target="false" default-target-url="/LoginHandler.jsp"/> ... </http> Login page creates an aja...

org.hibernate.HibernateException: No session currently bound to execution context

I'm trying to integrate Spring Security with Hibernate. I'm new to both technologies so I'm almost certainly taking too many steps at once here, but I'm at the point where I want to authenticate a user from the database. I think this is certainly more a Hibernate problem that a Spring Security one but I mention it to give some context. ...

How to manage a custom user object in session when Spring Security autheticates user?

When Spring Security authenticates user, it creates a UserDetail object and it is available for finding current UserId in web-app. But let's say I want to keep a custom user object with preferences and other details along with UserDetails or Replacing UserDetails. So, how to add Custom User object to session when Spring Security authen...

Spring login need custom msg on screen

Hi, I want to display custom message which will be fetched from database when user try to login on login page. This message can be changed by administrator. So always need to be fetched from database. We are using acegi spring. Do anybody know how to do this? Jaydeep. ...

Spring Security Logout

Hi. I ahve a webapplication running on Spring Webflow with spring security. I have a pronlem logging out because my app kinnda remembers the las page after logging out such that. When I press back or direclty paste the URL to the address bar it can direct the page to the login page but if I login it will go directly to the last page I we...

Group and acl on Spring Security

Hello, I want to use Spring Security to manage user, group and permissions. I want to use ACL to secure my domain objects but I can't find a way to assign a group to an acl. For example: I've got users and groups. Each group can have the following securities: - manage forums (can be a role like ROLE____FORUM____MANAGER) - edit a speci...

SpringSecurity3.0 AuthenticationSuccessEvent cannot be detected

Hi all, I want to prepare some data after user login system. After some google, I implemented a ApplicationListener to listen AuthenticationSuccessEvent: import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener; import org.springframework.security.authentication.event.AuthenticationSuccessEvent; import org.springframework.security.core.u...

How to programmatically add Security to a Spring Bean

I´m using spring-security-tiger-2.0.5. Is there a way to programmatically add a security proxy to a Spring Bean? I´m constructing the bean through BeanDefinitionBuilder, and i´d like to add same behaviour as the @Secured annotation. The roleName´s @Secured equivalent will be passed as a parameter. ...

Spring Security basics

How to make a link visible only if an authenticated user has correspondent permissions? I'm using JSF, and as I understand, I should use rendered attribute of a component which should call backing bean's boolean method. I've even found correspondent code some time ago but now I can't find it again. So, can anyone give me an example of...

File based Spring Security

Hi, I'm working on a Web Service project to provide data to a partner. Our app is really light weight and has only a handful of APIs. Because of time constraint and in-house pre-existing knowledge we went the Spring MVC / Spring Security path to serve those restful APIs. At any rate this is a B2B project where we are expecting only t...