
ASP.NET MVC and Spring.NET

Starting a new project and would like to use one of the MVC framworks. ASP.NET MVC is still in preview but Spring.net is in production and has a history with Java. I'd like to know the general lowdown between the two. Current questions.. What are the major feature differences? What about deployment/hosting issues? Future support? Do y...

Is it bad to load many managed DLL's without using any types in them?

Background: At my company we are developing a bunch applications that are using the same core dll's. These dll's are using Spring.net's IoC-container to wire things up (auto-wiring). All applications are using the same spring configuration file, and this configuration file points to many classes in many different dll's. But not all appli...

.Net Assembly Hell

I am Trying to develop a .Net Web Project using NHibernate and Spring.net. But I'm stuck. Spring.net seems to depend on different versions of the NHibernate assemblies (maybe it needs and my NHibernate version is I solved some problems with the "bindingRedirect" TAG, but now even that stopped working. My Questi...

Spring.net + Nhibernate Integration Tests Pass When They Should Not

I'm using Spring.net with NHiberante (HibernateTemplate) to implement my DAO's. I also have some integration tests, that extend from 'AbstractTransactionalDbProviderSpringContextTests '. DI is working fine, and all test pass BUT sometimes they pass even when they shouldn't. For example if my hbm.xml files have an error like this: <...

How do I find out when the Spring.NET root context has loaded?

I have a web service running, and it uses Spring.NET for it's IoCness. One of the classes needs to do some stuff when it loads (I'm using AfterPropertiesSet) and "some stuff" involves a call to ContextRegistry.GetContext(). The problem is this code in the ContextRegistry class: if (rootContextCurrentlyInCreation) { throw new Inval...

Progressbar from Spring Context?

I would like to create a window with a progressbar which shows the current status of Spring's object instantiation. From Spring.Net's documentation it seems that IObjectPostProcessors is the right point to start and track whenever an Object has been instanciated. However in order to get "Percentage of instantiated classes" I need to ask...

How is Spring.Net making my life easier?

"Spring.NET is an open source application framework that makes building enterprise .NET applications easier." Springframework They say that Spring makes .Net development easier. Then I see the manual which is long as anything. Chapter 5. The IoC container And then I see some mysterious stack trace errors when I run a project that has ...

Is FxCop's CollectionPropertiesShouldBeReadOnly rule incompatible with the spring framework?

FxCop has the CollectionPropertiesShouldBeReadOnly rule that complains if your class has some kind of collection property that clients can set. Instead, it suggests making the property read-only and supplying a Clear() method and Add() or AddRange() methods for changing the contents of the collection. I agree that makes for a cleaner an...

Do Spring.NET and Common.Logging XML schemas (XSD) exist?

Spring.NET 1.2.0 M1 comes with several XSD files for the <objects> node, database stuff, etc. However, it is an incomplete collection because it does not seem to include <spring> (used in App.config), <context>, or <parsers> elements. Additionally, Common.Logging doesn't appear to have any XSD's included in the source or distribution. ...

Spring.NET problem with <idref> tag in config.

According to the help file that comes with the Spring.NET framework, you can inject a dependancy defined in the local file by using an 'idref' tag along with a 'local' attribute. I have been trying to do this with no success and was hoping someone had the experience to help me out. Below I have a snippet from the config where I am ...

What is the format of xml context definition file that XmlApplicationContext(sFileName) will read?

All the examples that I can search online use the App.Config mode of specifying the context definition retrieved by contextToGetSprungObjects = ContextRegistry.GetContext(contextname) I want to use contextToGetSprungObjects = new XmlApplicationContext(sXmlFileName) (I'm calling into a DLL (that needs Spring.net) from another exec...

Can you copy property or constructor-arg valuse from objects in Spring.NET XML?

I believe I came across this a couple months ago, but now I'm having trouble finding the answer. Perhaps someone can just point me to the right section in the documentation? Using Sprint.NET, I'm combining remote XML files into a single application context where the engine objects are separate from the business rule objects. The probl...

Connecting To A Private Remote MSMQ Queue

I'm trying to connect to a remote private MSMQ queue using the path: "FormatName:DIRECT=OS:remoteMachineName\Private$\MyQueue" and I'm getting the following error: "The specified format name does not support the requested operation. For example, a direct queue format name cannot be deleted." I'm obviously doing something wrong. Ho...

ASP.NET MVC with Spring.NET and ModelBinder

Hi all, I'm working on a demo that makes use of Spring.NET IoC capability in ASP.NET MVC . It's kind of like the MyBlog application presented on pair programming video tutorial on www.asp.net site. I've completed the same demo using Microsoft's Unity framework and now want to try out the Spring container. To that end I've implemented a ...

NHibernate and Spring.NET Combination really helpful in the enterprise level application!

What are the opinions of the software developers who have used Spring.NET and NHibernate in their projects? In couple of our projects in the company where I work, we have used these third party tools very extensively and we have gained tremendous productivity. A little caveat is that it is a little challenging for junior .Net Developer t...

Spring.Net IoC Application Context Problem

Hi, I'm having the following "problem". I created a application context file for spring.net. The configuration looks like this: <spring> <context> <resource uri="config://spring/objects"/> </context> <objects configSource="SpringObjects.config" /> </spring> I was told that if you change something to the application context you...

Spring.net Drop all adotemplate connections?

I have an application which is connected to a database through a spring.net AdoTemplate. I am charged with creating a restore database method which keeps the app running but drops the network connections so as to drop the old database and bring up the new one. My question is how do I drop all the current connections that this applicati...

Spring.NET Error: There is no parser registered for namespace

Hi, I'm a newbie for Spring.NET. I hit the following error when using Spring.Context.Support.ContextRegistry.GetContext(). System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Error creating context 'spring.root': Error registering object defined in 'config [C:\source\gui\bin\Debug\TryClient.vshost.exe.config#spring/objects] at line 1' :...

How does Spring.NET use private setters?

While experimenting with this question on collections in Spring.NET, I discovered that Spring can inject a dependency using a private setter. I have two questions: Is this documented anywhere? Is using private setters recommended? The documentation says: Setter-based DI is realized by calling setter methods on your objects... Gra...

Injecting advice to a recursive method in Spring.Net?

I'm trying to use Spring.NET's support for AOP to do dependency injection/inversion of control/aspect-oriented programming (sorry for the slew of buzzwords - maybe I'll post a separate question asking someone to clarify the difference :) ). Specifically, I want to have intercept a recursive method call, so that every time that the meth...