
Upgrading SQL Azure database size

I'm currently in the middle of developing an application loosely similar to StackOverflow (question / answer based) Initially, I was using AWS (simple db and s3) for storage, however that posed several problems, and i've opted to go with SQL - With a view to eventually hosting on SQL Azure. I was just wondering, if i opted for the 1gb ...

Migrating from "Linq to SQL" to SQL Azure

I want to migrate an existing application from "Linq to SQL" to SQL Azure. The application is local, what i assume is that i will only have to change the connection string and the application will be connected to the cloud instead of local database and no change is required at code level. ...

Is SQL Azure PCI-DSS Compliant?

Hi, If I were to use separate Windows Server that was PCI-DSS compliant, would I still be compliant if I had a SQL Azure hosting the backend? This is assuming that I'm compliant at the application layer, and that I'm only storing permitted values (like no CVV), etc. Thanks, Jack ...

SQL Azure web vs business edition

Is there any difference between the Web Edition and Business Edition of SQL Azure other than the maximum supported database sizes? I'm assuming the naming has some significance but all of the information I find simply talks about the max db size. I want to know if there are any other differences such as SLA, replication, scalability, etc...

Need to store 128 *bit* Primary Key: Should I use SQL Azure or Azure Table? Or Just use a linked list in Azure Blob

I need to store a large (128-bit) PK. Each int will have some corresponding columns... no schema is defined now... and I want the schema flexible in the future. (I only need conservative flexibility eg adding new columns from time to time) At this point I'm not too concerned with the ability to do joins and such. I mostly want to pick...

How to convert MySQL to SQL Azure? ( Wordpress database )

How to convert MySQL to SQL Azure? I have a Wordpress site, and I would like to put it to Azure Platform. How can I achieve it? It seems not easy. Any shortcut? ...

How do I migrate a SQL MDF File to a production SQL Server? (ASP.NET)

I have an ASP.NET project that also uses a SQL MDF File. My target server is SQL 2008R2 or SQL Azure. I would like to know what deployment options I have as I migrate from DEV to PROD. In case it matters I'm not under any regulation to maintain PII or similarly private data. How do I move my test schema and perhaps data to production...

Sync Provider for SQL Azure

Hi, I am looking for SQL Azure specific provider that seems to be published by Microsoft. I downloaded the sync tool given at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=bce4ad61-5b76-4101-8311-e928e7250b9a&displaylang=en but it contains a sync wizard. I need to implement a lot of custom synchronization logic to synch...

Entity Framework Many-to-Many Clustered vs. Nonclustered Index

I designed an entity data model with two entities between which there exists a many to many relationship. When I auto-generate SQL code to generate the database for this model, it has generated a table (two columns) to keep track of this many-to-many association. However, this table has a PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED on both columns. Since ...

Why and when do I need Azure?

I read plenty of articles about Azure and .NET Service Bus. I think I understand technical part but at the moment I'm missing the main point - some "cases studies" which should explain me what kind of projects should be moved to cloud. Suppose that I'm starting new project. How can I decide if my project fits to Azure platform? What ar...

How does ServiceConfiguration.cscfg and ServiceDefinition.csdef play with WebConfig in Azure?

Hi, I have a big Silverlight app which I have successfully converted and added a CloudService project. I have uploaded the database to SQL Azure, and from my webconfig file with a connection to this database on SQL Azure everything works fine. So, my next step, where I'm crashing, was when adding a Cloud Service to my solution and setti...

How to convert a web app with indvidual DBs to a cloud with a single DB?

Hello, I made a e-commerce app the runs on C#. Each instance of this app right now has it's own: IIS 7 app pool IIS 7 website SQL Server 2008 database My partner told me that we need to dump this approach and move to a cloud. It seems like SQL Azure charges per database. So it will be very expensive for us to go this approach. Is the...

Perfomance - Table Service, SQL Azure - insert. Query speed on large amount of data.

Hi! I'd read many posts and articles about comparing SQL Azure and Table Service and most of them told that Table Service is more scalable than SQL Azure. http://www.silverlight-travel.com/blog/2010/03/31/azure-table-storage-sql-azure/ http://www.intertech.com/Blog/post/Windows-Azure-Table-Storage-vs-Windows-SQL-Azure.aspx http://stack...

MS SQL - Is using geometry data type to find distance significantly faster?

Hi guys, I have a database which contains a lot of geospatial data ... basically information on 10s of thousands of people, with coordinates for each of them. The coordinates are currently stored as two floats for latitude and longitude, and I use a function to determine the distance between the coordinates in that record and a coord...

How do I manage and publish a database with my MVC2 application on Azure?

I'll start by saying that I'm fairly new to the idea of deploying applications to the cloud, but I recently downloaded the Azure SDK and wanted to build a sample application to get myself up-to-speed. Here's what I did. Download the Azure SDK Create a new solution Add a new ASP.NET MVC2 Web Role Compile Debug Everything seems to work...

Azure php webRole, f# worker role: developping on different machines

Hello, A friend and I would like to do a website to manipulate facebook data. The structure is: a php webrole (contains the webpage, user oauth login, interacts with queues, and interacts with sql azure database) a F# worker role (does statistics and quite heavy data extractions) The process is (assuming a new user): user arrives...