
SQL Server 2005 Execution Plan

I am attempting to troubleshoot a slow running stored procedure in SQL Server 2005. I am analyzing the execution plan and see a SORT that is 45%, but I am not using an ORDER clauses. What would be causing this. UPDATE SP (cleaned up, and made change on OR's) SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Rp...

SQL Overlapping and Multi-Column Indexes

I am attempting to tune some stored procedures and have a question on indexes. I have used the tuning advisor and they recommended two indexes, both for the same table. The issue is one index is for one column and the other is for multiple columns, of which it includes the same column from the first. My question is why and what is the di...

What does SQL Server execution plan show?

There is the following code: declare @XmlData xml = '<Locations> <Location rid="1"/> </Locations>' declare @LocationList table (RID char(32)); insert into @LocationList(RID) select Location.RID.value('@rid','CHAR(32)') from @XmlData.nodes('/Locations/Location') Location(RID) insert into @LocationList(RID) select A2RID from tblCdbA2 ...

SQL Server 2008: Why table scaning when another logical condition is satisfied first?

Consider following piece of code: declare @var bit = 0 select * from tableA as A where 1= (case when @var = 0 then 1 when exists(select null from tableB as B where A.id=B.id) then 1 else 0 end) Since variable @var is set to 0, then the result of evaluating searched case operator is 1. In the documentation of case i...