
How To Automatically Script SQL Server: 'Generate Scripts' for SQL Database

I want to run scheduled nightly exports of my database code into my SVN source. It's easy to schedule automated check-in's into svn from a folder, but scheduling the export from SQL in SQL Management Studio is Right click target database, choose Tasks > Generate Scripts. Follow the wizard and presto you've got scripts in a folder....

How to put MySQL code into source control?

I know I can copy all my MySQL code manually to files and then put those files into source control. But is there any way to do this automatically? I would like to do this to stored procedures, but also to table/event/trigger creation scripts. ...

Run multiple commans or sql script using OLE DB in SQL Server

It is possible to run multiple commands or sql script using OLE DB? For example to run sql script to create database and its structure (tables, indexes, stored procedures...). When I use CCommand class, I can run only one command. How can I run SQL script with multiple commands? Thanks, Martin ...

Deploy Sql Server in .NET using my application

I have winforms application in my company to deploy applications in several environments (Development, PreProduction, Production). Now, I want to include a new functionality: I need to deploy SQL Server scripts in environments: development, preproduction and production. My application will run directly in these environments. I do not ...

Mysql: How to call sql script file from other sql script file?

Suppose I have wrote script Table_ABC.sql which creates table ABC. I have created many such scripts for each of required tables. Now i want to write a script that call all of these script files in a sequence so basically I want another script file createTables.sql. Mysql provides option to execute a script file from "mysql" shell applica...