
SQL Table and column Parser for stored procedures

Is there an application , which can parse a given set of stored procedures (SQL Server 2000) and gets all tables and associated columns that are being used in it. The stored procedure can have tables from different databases. Output should be like TableA columnA columnC columnD TableB columnE columnF columnG I ha...

Rolling back and update command in Sql Server 2000

I have used an update command to update the whole table in an Sql Server 2000 database by mistake. I was actually meaning to update just one row. Now all the 2000 rows contain the update. Is there a way to roll back this change? ...

SQl 2000 Reporting Services and SQL 2005 Reporting Services side by side???

Does anyone know if it is possible to install SQL 2000 Reporting Services Server side by side with SQL 2005 Reporting Services Server? The Reports and ReportServer virual directories are both virtual directories in the default website and they use different .net frameworks. Is this even allowed? Do I need to create a new website to supp...

SQL User-Defined Functions: Fetching TOP n records in a user-defined function...

How come the following doesn't work? CREATE FUNCTION Test (@top integer) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN SELECT TOP @top * FROM SomeTable GO I just want to be able to be able to specify the number of results to be returned. [SQL Server 2000.] Thanks! ...

Can't connect to SQL Server using an Alias

I have a SQL Server 2000 install on a server that I am having weird connection issues with. Using SSMS I can't connect to it using an Alias I have setup on Configuration Manager. The Alias is set to use TCPIP which is the first protocol in the order below shared memory. If I use the exact same server name I put into the Alias then I...

SQL Profiler connection details

When you startup a standard trace the first settings you see will be the current database connections. In my case there is about 10 entries, all of whome are the same username, however some are dateformat dmy and some are mdy. The asp website seems to pick a connection from the pool and uses it, it appears to pick one of 3 and all are ...

Reducing the overhead of a SQL Trace with filters

We have a SQL 2000 server that has widely varied jobs that run at different times of day, or even different days of the month. Normally, we only use the SQL profiler to run traces for very short periods of time for performance troubleshooting, but in this case, that really wouldn't give me a good overall picture of the kinds of queries t...

SQL 2000 and SQL 2008 Express side by side?

Hello, This question has been asked in regards to 2005, but did not see anything with 2000. We have a new application that needs to run on 2005 or better but everything else we have is geared towards 2000. We could upgrade, but that is not within budget at this time. We were thinking we could run SQL Server 2008 Express on the same...

t-sql replace on text field

I have hit a classic problem of needing to do a string replace on a text field in an sql 2000 database. This could either be an update over a whole column or a single field I'm not fussy. I have found a few examples of how to use updatetext to achieve it but they tend to be in stored procedures, does anyone know of a similar thing that ...

Move data accross SQL Servers with DTS packages or linked servers

We are using SQL Server 2000 and have to move data across servers to store it in a central database. We would rather not use DTS packages because we will move to SQL Server 2005 soon, and we don't want to have to upgrade to SSIS or have to support legacy DTS packages. Is there any way to use OSQL scripts, vbscript, or other command lin...

Transactional replication

What is the maximum number of publishers one can create on one Database on that same database server itself? Also, Vice - versa , What is the maximum number of subscribers one can create on one Database on that same database server itself? ...

How do you return a constant from an sql statement?

How do I return a constant from an sql statement? For example how would I change the code below so "my message" would return if my (boolean expression) was true if (my boolean expression) "my message" else select top 1 name from people; I am using ms sql 2000 ...

SQL Server 2000, "FOR XML AUTO" Query via http, Need "Content Length = 12345" in return XML Header

SQL Server 2000 Guru's, I've setup SQL 2000 to accept HTTP Queries i.e.{CALL+sp_XMLDATA}+&amp;root=root (ficticious url) It works great and returns the following XML via I.E.7 url - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <root> <g c="15" /> <g c="8" /> <g c="19" /> </root> However I a...

SQL Server: Floor a date in SQL server, but stay deterministic

(This is related to Floor a date in SQL server.) Does a deterministic expression exist to floor a DATETIME? When I use this as a computed column formula: DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, [datetime_column]), 0) the I get an error when I place an index on that column: Cannot create index because the key column 'EffectiveDate' is non-det...

Configure SQL Server 2000 to use more than 2Gb of memory on a 64bit server

Is there any way to configure SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition (32 bit) to use more than 2Gb of memory on a server running Windows 2003 (64 bit)? Thanks for any help. ...

Is it possible to see what queries have been run in an uncommitted transaction?

My application (C++ using SQL Native Client with SQL Server 2000) is consistently finding its way into a hanging state. I believe this is because a transaction is left uncommitted someplace on a table and a SELECT query on that table, as a result of the open transaction, is blocking. Unfortunately, I'm really having trouble determining...

What is the limitation in the length of an SqlCommand query

Is there a limitation in the length of a query that SQL Server can handle? I have a normal SqlCommand object and pass a very long select statement as a string. The query seems to be fine when running against an SQL Server 2005/2008 engine but doesn't execute against an SQL Server 2000 engine. I don't have any error details as I only...

Start stored procedures sequentially or in parallel

We have a stored procedure that runs nightly that in turn kicks off a number of other procedures. Some of those procedures could logically be run in parallel with some of the others. How can I indicate to SQL Server whether a procedure should be run in parallel or serial ie: kicked off of asynchronously or blocking? What would be...

LINQ Query to Return multiple results

I am trying to write a textbox that will search on 5 DB columns and will return every result of a given search, ex. "Red" would return: red ball, Red Williams, etc. Any examples or similar things people have tried. My example code for the search. Thanks. ItemMasterDataContext db = new ItemMasterDataContext(); string s = tx...

How do I create a trigger to replace sql injected <script> tags in SQL Server 2000?

I have some old databases i was handed that use SQL Server 2000 and they are getting SQL Injected with javascript script tags at the end of certain database fields. I need a trigger to strip out the injected on update until I have time to fix the front end that is allowing this. I am a SQL Server novice - please help! ...