
Connecting to SQL Server 2008 Express from VB 2008 Express

Hi, I'm using VB 2008 Express for our College Project. I'm also running SQL Server 2008 Express and have installed SQL Server Management Studio and used it to create my database. Both software have been installed and running locally. I'm trying to connect to the database from VB 2008 Express. Database connection wizard have 3 options: ...

How to restore database backup on SQL Server 2008 Express edition using C# in custom action for setup

I want to restore a database backup existing beside the application in setup time. I have custom action and in the install method need to restore the database with the backup file. When I use SQL Server 2008 Express edition I got error. please help me. ...

.mdf is too new (661) my database supports version 655

I am using SQL Server 2008 express and i want to import .mdf and i get this error: .mdf version is 661, your db supports the version 655 Which version is 661 and how to import it in sql Server 2008. ...

Visual studio 2010 and Sql Server

Do visual studio 2010 include already Sql Server instance, or I need to install Sql Server developer edition to develop an application that need a Sql Server db. If it installs a Sql Server express edition, it this enough or it's better to have Sql Server developer edition? ...

How to find the worst performing queries in SQL Server 2008?

How to find the worst performing queries in SQL Server 2008? I found the following example but it does not seem to work: SELECT TOP 5 obj.name, max_logical_reads, max_elapsed_time FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats a CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) hnd INNER JOIN sys.sysobjects obj on hnd.objectid = obj.id ORDER BY max_logical_r...

VS 2008 and SQL 2008 Express

Hi, I am trying to write a small app to connect and manipulate some data on an SQL 2008 Express database. The database is on my local machine but I can see it on the network. I am trying to use LINQ to SQL in my app. I am trying to connect to the database so I can add database model to use with LINQ but the problem is I can not see any ...

verbose error information for SQL Server bulk insert

I'm using SQL Server Express 2008 and I'm doing a bulk insert of data. I'd like to have more verbose error messages, ideally printing the data that failed to be inserted. Is that possible? ...

Convert SQL Server Express 2005 .mdf to 2008 .mdf ?

Hi I have a Visual Studio solution and an ASP.NET MVC project that uses a SQL Server Express 2005 database file in the App_Data. I want to know how I can upgrade this file so it works for SQL Server Express 2008 ? Thanks ...

Access denied when starting SQL Server Express from command line

Windows 7 computer running SQL Server Express 2008 (sp1). When I try to run net start mssql$sqlexpress I receive an error: System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied The SQL service is running under "Network Service" account The service starts fine if I use the services window. Could somebody help me figure out why I am ...

Copy data from SQL Server Express keep primary key

I want to copy data from a database to another, but I'd like to keep the primary key from the original database so it won't mess with the relationships. I'm using SQL Server 2008. ...

Query for rows including child rows

A few weeks ago, I asked a question about how to generate hierarchical XML from a table, that has a parentID column. It all works fine. The point is, according to the hierarchy, I also want to query a table. I'll give you an example: Thats the table with the codes: ID CODE NAME ...

SQL Server version of MySQL's group_concat and escaped strings

I only have the Express versions of MS SQL Server 2008 and Visual Studio. Given that I can't create a SQL Server project and therefore CLR solutions are out of the question, I've attempted to use select col1, stuff( ( select ' ' + col2 from StrConcat t1 where t2.col1 = t1.col1 for xml path('') ),1,1,'') from StrConcat t2 group by col1 ...

NHibernate mapping error SQL Server 2008 Express

Hi All, I tried an example from NHibernate in Action book and when I try to run the app, it throws an exception saying "Could not compile the mapping document: HelloNHibernate.Employee.hbm.xml" Below is my code, Employee.hbm.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" auto-impor...

cmd line SQL server 2008 express install

hi, I am trying to install SQL server 2008 express on windows 7 64 bit machine using the following command: Setup.exe /qs /Action=Install /Features=SQL /InstanceName=XXX /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="Builtin\Administrators" /SQLSVCACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" I can not access the database and get "access denied" error. I narrowed down the is...

SQL Server Express 2008

I am going to install Visual Studio 2010 Premium. I have SQL Server 2008 Express already installed on my laptop along with Visual Studio 2008 Professional. Do I have to uninstall SQL Server 2008 Express or will it be configured to operate in the 2010 Environment? ...

Save All Values of Database to Text File?

I was wondering if there was a way to extract all the values of a column, and then save each value into separate text files (labeled ANYTHING, 1-100 works fine). I know how to do this through another language, but I'm using SQL Server 2008 with Microsoft SQL Server Manager and it would save me some time from figuring out how to do it th...

Howto use Windows Authentication with SQL Server 2008 Express on a workgroup network?

I have two computers running SQL Server 2008 Express: c01 and c02, I setup both for remote connection using windows authentication. Worked fine for c02 but not for c01. This is the error message I'm getting: TITLE: Connect to Server Cannot connect to ACAMP001\SQLEXPRESS. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Login failed. The...

Exporting MS SQL Schema and Data

I'm used to MySQL and PHPMyAdmin - I had to switch over to MSSQL for an ASP.net project, and I'm having tons of trouble. I'm using the express version of SQL 2008, with SQL Server Management Studio. The following are 2 questions I've been struggling with for a while: 1) How do I export the DB schema for the database? The table structure...

Installing a new SQL Server instance fails

I've previously in my setup installed SQL Server Express 2005. Now I've switched to SQL Server Express 2008. I updated the command line parameters to those documented for the latter. If the comp already has SQL Server Express 2008 installed, my installer should create a new instance. The command line parameters are as follows: /ACTION=...

SQL Server Express 2008 Stored Procedure execution time spikes periodically

I have a big stored procedure on a SQL Server 2008 Express SP2 database that gets run about every 200 ms. Normal execution time is about 50ms. What I am seeing is large inconsistencies in this run time. It will execute for while, say 50-100 times at 40-60ms which is expected, then seemingly at random the same stored procedure will tak...