
Issue connecting to SQL Compact Edition on Windows Mobile 6 Emulator

I am developing an application for Windows Mobile 6 using an emulator. When I try to open the database connection to the SDF file it is throwing an exception that it is not able to connect or find the file. My questions are: Where on the mobile device is the SDF file supposed to be deployed? Does the SDF file get automatically deploy...

Combining SQL Rows

I've got SQL Compact Database that contains a table of IP Packet Headers. The Table looks like this: Table: PacketHeaders ID SrcAddress SrcPort DestAddress DestPort Bytes 1 255 500 64 2 500 255 80 3 500 255 16 4 ...

Sql Server Compact 2005 on Visual Studio 2008

I'm working on a Windows Forms application that interacts with a Sql Compact database file created by SQL Server 2005. This application was originally developed in Visual Studio 2005 but was recently converted to a Visual Studio 2008 solution. In regards to Sql Compact, we made sure the references were all still set to the assemblies t...

Performance question: SQl Server CE 3.1 secured with a password.

Hello. I'm developing a Windows Mobile 5.0 and above application with C#, .Net Compact Framework 2.0 SP2 and SQl Server CE 3.1. I need to store some secret information on Sql Server CE database and I wondering if I encrypt database with a password could affect application's performance. I'm also thinking to store the password in an as...

C# - ExecuteNonQuery() isn't working with SQL Server CE

Hello. I got some data inputed by the user that should be added to a Database File (.sdf). I've choose Sql Server CE because this application is quite small, and i didn't saw need to work with a service based database. Well any way. Here goes the code: public class SqlActions { string conStr = String.Format("Data Source = " + ne...

Open SQL CE .sdf in SQL Server 2005 or 2008

Hi, is there a way to import SQL CE .sdf to SQL Server 2005 or 2008? thanks in advance ...


Hopefully this isn't a duplicate, but does anyone know of any (good) ORMs that work with SQL Compact Edition, and can run in the .NET Compact Framework (e.g. Windows Mobile 5->6.x)? ...

SharePoint and SQL Server Compact Data Files

I'm doing a consulting job for an organization wanting something a small step above what an Access Database would do. Generally, they want to track network lines between buildings on their campus (obviously, I'm obfuscating a bit, just go with it). And of course, they want it done in SharePoint, WITHOUT a huge software development and ma...

Dataset and SQLCe in .net 4

I'm trying to build a SQLCe table structure dynamically using a dataset as the temporary table structure... Is there a SqlConnection string that will work with SqlCe? There used to be a SqlCeConnection...but I don't find that in the 4.0 framework? Has something replaced this? If the answer is L2S or Entity Framework...can I add colum...

SyncFramework upgrade from 1.0 to 2.0 Sql Server CE database change tracking issue

I'm trying to upgrade an application that uses Sync Framework 1.0 to synchronise a SqlServerCe database with SqlServer 2005. On the client, the existing database already has change tracking enabled, but when the sync is initiated SyncFramework 2.0 fails to find the last Sync Received anchor and then tries to re=initialize the Change trac...

Moving data from SQL Compact to SQL Server 2008

I have created an .SDF file and inserted data into the SDF database file on a mobile device. I want to transform .SDF file to a SQL Server 2008 Database File but don't know how. Any pointers or suggestions would be appreciated. ...

SQL CE not loading from network share

I installed VS 2010 RC yesterday, and suddenly, SQL Server CE isn't loading files from a network share. In projects compiled with VS 2008, if I try to open a SQL CE file located on a network share, I get an error that reads like this: Internal error: Cannot open the shared memory region. If I try to create a data connection in VS 2010 ...

"Order By" in LINQ-to-SQL Causes performance issues

I've set out to write a method in my C# application which can return an ordered subset of names from a table containing about 2000 names starting at the 100th name and returning the next 20 names. I'm doing this so I can populate a WPF DataGrid in my UI and do some custom paging. I've been using LINQ to SQL but hit a snag with this lo...

SQL Compact error: Unable to load DLL 'sqlceme35.dll'. The specified module could not be found

Hi - I'm developing a Winforms application using Visual Studio 2008 C# that uses a SQL compact 3.5 database on the client. The client will most likely be 32 bit XP or Vista machines. I'm using a standard Windows Installer project that creates an msi file and setup.exe to install the app on a client machine. I'm new to SQL compact so I ha...

SQL Server Replication Error

Hi, I have a SQL Server 2005 box set up for merge replication to SQL Server CE 3.0. The publication, publisher, distributor and IIS have all been set up. In my application, I attempt to sync the databases using the following code: //TODO: Change for production //*************************** string localDBPath = @"C:\Documents and Sett...

SQL Server CE 3.5 SP1 Stored Procedures

I have been tasked with taking an existing WinForms application and modifying it to work in an "occasionally-connected" mode. This was to be achieved with SQL Server CE 3.5 on a user's laptop and sync the server and client either via SQL Server Merge Replication or utilizing Microsoft's Sync Framework. Currently, the application connec...

SQL CE, SQLite. What are the differences between them?

What is the difference between SQL CE and SQLite? In what situation would i choose one over the other? ...

How do I get a count of events each day with SQL?

I have a table that looks like this: Timestamp Event User ================ ===== ===== 1/1/2010 1:00 PM 100 John 1/1/2010 1:00 PM 103 Mark 1/2/2010 2:00 PM 100 John 1/2/2010 2:05 PM 100 Bill 1/2/2010 2:10 PM 103 Frank I want to write a query that shows the events for each day and a count fo...

Take 'Backup' of SQL Server Compact database

Is it possible to take Backup of SQL Server Compact database (i.e. *.sdf) and Restore the same. ...

Does SQL Server CE support schema update with NHibernate?

SchemaExport seems to work, but SchemaUpdate fails - the SchemaUpdate.Exceptions contains this object: System.NotSupportedException: The method is not supported. in System.Data.Common.DbConnection.GetSchema(String collectionName, String[] restrictionValues) in NHibernate.Dialect.Schema.AbstractDataBaseSchema.GetTables(String catalog, St...