Update 2: I solved this, see my answer.
I am invoking queries in a Microsoft Access database from C# using OleDb, but I can't get my update queries to work.
No error is thrown, but updates are not persisted in the database.
Can anyone shed any light on this?
SQL query in the database:
UPDATE tableName SET tableName.LastPolledD...
I have a MySQL table called bb_posts used by a bbPress forum. It has an autoincrement field called topid_id and another field called topic_poster.
I'm trying to write a function that finds the "next post by the same author". So, for instance, say the user is on a particular page that displays topic 123. If you do a SQL query:
Which way is preferred?
SqlCommand = new SqlCommand(query);
command.Parameters[0].Value = Foo;
command.Parameters[1].Value = Bar;
// or
command.Parameters["@Foo"].Value = Foo;
I'm trying to do this in a SQL Server CE database, but the database engine keeps reporting errors.
SELECT C.guid, C.name, C.updated,
C.hddsize, C.hddavailable, C.hddfree,
C.ramsize, C.profiles, C.cpu,
(SELECT COUNT(D.id) AS numprogs
FROM ComputerData AS D
WHERE D.computer_id = C.id) AS numprograms
What method do you use to get a compile time error when the database schema changes occur in an ASP.NET project?
For example, if you have a GridView bound to a DataSource, I can only get runtime errors when a schema change occurs, not a compile time error. Intellisense works fine on the code behind using datasets, LINQ, etc, but I cant...
I have a model like:
- Id
- CreatedOn
- Id
- CreatedOn
- QuestionID
No I want to get the first question with the newest answer.
I am using SQL Server 2005.
Is it possible to use a Case statement in a sql From clause. For example, I'm trying something like:
WHEN @ClientType = 'Employee' THEN @Source = 'HR'
WHEN @ClientType = 'Member' THEN @Source = 'Other'
WHERE Current = 2;
Edit: Using SQL 2005
I consider myself a very experienced SQL person. But I'm and failing to do these two things:
Reduce the size of the allocated log.
Truncate the log.
DBCC sqlperf(logspace)
Database Name Log Size (MB) Log Space Used (%) Status
ByBox 1964.25 30.0657 0
The following does not work with SQL 2008
Is it beneficial to use multicolumn (composite) primary keys for a many to many relationship table when using Linq to SQL?
Or should I just add an identity column as a non-clustered primary key and index the FK columns appropriately?
does setting up proper relationships in a database help with anything else other than data integrity?
do they improve or hinder performance?
In your experience, at about how many records does insert performance become intolerable when using a clustered index on not-typically-unique columns?
A good example I can think of would be the comments table for stack overflow. Do you think that insert performance would be acceptable if the comments table had a clustered index on their...
You require an algorithm to read in one customer's account balance at the begining of the month, a total of all withdrawals for the month, and a total of all deposits made during the month. A federal tax charge of 1% is applied to all transactions made during the month. The program is to calculate the account balance at end of the month ...
Hello all,
I have this SQL statement:
SELECT * FROM converts
WHERE email='[email protected]' AND status!='1'
ORDER BY date ASC, priority DESC
This just orders by date but I want to give my column "priority" more authority. How can I do this?
It should order by date first but if the time between two records is 10 mintues then...
SQLite version 3.4.0
What's wrong with aggregate functions? Additionally, I suspect that ORDER BY won't work as well. How to rewrite this?
sqlite> SELECT p1.domain_id, p2.domain_id, COUNT(p1.domain_id) AS d1, COUNT(p2.domain_id) AS d2
...> FROM PDB as p1, Interacting_PDBs as i1, PDB as p2, Interacting_PDBs as i2
...> WHERE p1.id ...
By using sp_who2 I can get a list of current log-in users and machine names. Some users are using SQL Server log-in user name such as sa. Is there any way I can get the windows log-in user name for the SQL log-in users?
If there is no way to get Windows log-in users from the machine names, can I use WMI class or C# to get find out the W...
I'm having some trouble with a tricky SQL-query.
In my MySQL database there is the tables topics, tags and tags_topics to join them.
I want to fetch topics that share the same specified tags. For example, let's say i have 3 tags with ids 1, 2 and 3, i want to fetch all topics that have tag 1, 2 and 3 associated to them. The topics can ...
I need to create a simple windows app for my father's business that handles employee records that can be entered and retrieved though a search and output to excel or something similar. I was thinking of using C++ and using MySQL as the database. I want to make it as simple and seamless as possible, so I am completely open to suggestions ...
Every Customer has a physical address and an optional mailing address. What is your preferred way to model this?
Option 1. Customer has foreign key to Address
Customer (id, phys_address_id, mail_address_id)
Address (id, street, city, etc.)
Option 2. Customer has one-to-many relationship to Address, which contains a field...
I have a project I am working on. based off a backup SQl Server database from a production server. They have over 16,000 user email addresses, and I want to corrupt them so the system (which has automatic emailers) will not send any emails to valid addresses.
But I still want the users, and I want them in a way that I can reverse wha...
If I run the two statements in batch will they return one table to two to my sqlcommand object with the data merged. What I am trying to do is optimize a search by searching twice, the first time on one set of data and then a second on another. They have the same fields and I’d like to have all the records from both tables show and be ...