
rake db:migrate produces "rake aborted! could not find table" error

I'm new to Rails and I'm building a simple project-tracking app for my employer. I've been developing the app on my Mac and pushing it to github. I just managed to clone my github repo to a windows box behind my company's firewall in hopes of letting colleagues try the app out. But when I go to rake db:migrate to initialize the database...

Cannot use sqlite3 with ruby 1.9.2 and rails 3.0.0 on windows

I have first to explain a little bit my context, then the question: I have used Ruby on Rails now for 3 years with different applications, and upgraded from 1.2 up to 2.3.9. I want to upgrade to 3.0.0 as fast as possible. All I have read about it told to use the current version 1.9.2 of Ruby to work with Rails 3.0.0, so I installed the...

sqlite3-ruby gem can't find sqlite3.h on ubuntu

Trying to get Rails up on ubuntu, and I’m having trouble installing sqlite3-ruby – it apparently can’t find sqlite3.h. All the references I can find to the error suggest the problem is either: sqlite3 headers aren’t installed, or make can’t find them. It looks to me like I’ve solved both those issues and I’m still seeing the same problem...

How to resolve Memory Leak issue in SQLite ?

Hello All, I am using SQLite I have written below code can you please explain is there any memory leak ? char *sql_get_ID_from_extid_userinfo = "SELECT ID FROM User_Info where (extended_id=?)"; sqlite_db_ctx_t * ct = (sqlite_db_ctx_t*)ctx; int rc=0; sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt; rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(ct->c...

installing Sqlite3-ruby error

When I tried to install: gem install sqlite3-ruby it shows: Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing sqlite3-ruby: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /usr/bin/ruby1.8 extconf.rb extconf.rb:3:in `require': no such file to load -- mkmf (LoadError) from extconf.rb:3 Gem files...

A Macbook with Leopard cannot use sqlite3-ruby or mysql, so no Rails 3 possible on a mac with Leopard?

I have a macbook that has Leopard (OS X 10.5) but don't have Snow Leopard. It ran Rails 2.3.8 fine, but now when it comes to Rails 3.x, with Ruby 1.9.2 (or 1.8.7), gem install cannot build mysql, mysql2, or sqlite3-ruby, so essentially, this macbook can't use Rails 3.x at all? Is there a way? thanks. (it seems that the latest Xcode ...

How to compile sqlite3, mysql and postgres driver for Rails 3.X on Mac OS X Leopard?

Is there a reason why all sqlite3, mysql, postgres driver compiles on Mac OS X Leopard when it is Rails 2.3.8, but can't compile when it is Rails 3.x? Theoretically, isn't it just some compile flags to make them work? (They all compile on Snow Leopard with the latest Xcode, but can't compile with Leopard with a slightly older Xcode... ...

[newbie ] How to install ruby interface for sqlite3 in Mac snow leopard ?

I tried to install it as below but it throws error :- "sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby" Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing sqlite3-ruby: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby extconf.rb mkmf.rb can't find header files ...