
sqlite3 concurrent access

Does SQLite safely handle concurrent access by multiple processes reading/writing from the same db? Are there any platform exceptions to that? ...

Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android?

I was reading the Android SQLite NotePad tutorial that referenced creating a DB Adapter class to create and access a DB table. When dealing with a multi-table SQLite Database, is it best practice to create a different Adapter Class for each table or create a single DB Adapter class for the entire Android Application? My application use...

Portable method of copying precompiled statements

Is there any reliable and portable method of copying a prepared statement in SQLite3? Would the overhead from multiple copies be greater than just recompiling the statement? Context: I need to copy a prepared statement from the main thread to many worker threads. The exact same statement is used by all of them, but they need to each hav...