
Create a sqlite data base

Hi, I am currently struggling with the concept of sqlite databases in android. I cannot find a definitive guide to setting up creating and using the database, and even if I had I still haven't got a clue how to store and reference urls and map coordinates. I have found and example that creates a database of information before it start...

Clearing Application database

I have an Android application which uses sqlite database to store textual data for a particular user. The data is read/written from/to the database from a service that runs periodically after every n seconds. My requirement is to clear data depending on age. Like, if the file is more than 24 hours old it should be deleted. Checking th...

Dynamically loading images in UIImageView from database in objective c

I have saved my images in database with type BLOB. Now I am extracting these images from database using sql stmt and saving it in a NSData object. see the following code snippet NSData *img = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:sqlite3_column_blob(loadInfostmt, 4) length: sqlite3_column_bytes(loadInfostmt, 4)]; self.birdImage = [UIImage ima...

How can one inject the sqlite3 keyword DISTINCT into an Android ContentProvider's query?

I have a SQL statement that I can use to return distinct rows from my Android sqlite3 database and I would like to pass it through the ContentProvider's query. For example: select lastName from peopleTable where upper(lastName) like upper("%smith%"); needs to be select DISTINCT lastName from peopleTable where upper(lastName) like up...

Ruby on Rails Chinese Dictionary in Rails and MySQL?

Any help and advice deeply appreciated. I want to create a RoR website that is a chinese dictionary with 2 million entries (records in the SQLite database). Each record has 3 fields: a long Chinese word, an English text, and an integer counter (is updated every time the word has been solicited, +=1). The user inputs a Chinese word, the...

sqlite3 module for Jython

I'm using Java Scripting API to execute some external Python scripts from my Java application. The python scripts use sqlite3 module. Execution of the application is resulting in error ImportError: No module named sqlite3 As I look into the Lib directory(which is in the classpath) of Jython, there's no sqlite3 module. Hence, my search...

Getting a "has no column named" When Loading Rails Fixtures

EDIT: This is with Rails 2.3.5 For some reason, when I try to associate a CreditCard with Band in my project, I get the following errors SQLite3::SQLException: table credit_cards has no column named band: INSERT INTO "credit_cards" ("created_at", "vault_token", "billing_zipcode", "billing_first_name", "updated_at", "band", "billing_sta...

libsqlite3.dylib security error

I am having trouble with the libsqlite3.dylib library; when I try to run, I am receiving the following error message: dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security Reason: Incompatible library version: Security requires version 9.0.0 or later, ...

creating Models with sqlite3 + datamapper + ruby

How do you build a model with the following associations (i tried but couldn't get it to work): each Order has: a Customer, a SalesRep, many OrderLine that each has an item. I tried: when I do: Customer.all(Customer.orders.order_lines.item.sku.like => "%BLUE%") the output is :[] instead of: '[#<"Customer @id=1 @name="Dan Kubb">]' Whe...

Deploying RoR app to Heroku with Sqlite3 fails

I'm trying to deploy my first app to Heroku. I'm using Sqlite as the database. As far as I know Heroku doesn't use Sqlite - it switches to Postgres in the backend. When I'm deploying I get the following error: /usr/ruby1.8.7/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.0/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:64:in `require': no such file to load -- sq...

Does any one have a complete sample ruby program (with sources) using sqlite3 + datamapper

I've been trying to figure out how to use the datamappings in a real ruby program. After I code all of my mappings, then what? How do I use it in a real program? If any one has a sample program that I can look through the codes, it would help me out tremendously. Thank you. ...

Rails and Heroku PGError: column does not exist

This page I have been developing for my app has been working fine locally (using sqllite3) but when I push it to Heroku, which uses PostgreSQL I get this error: NeighborhoodsController# (ActionView::Template::Error) "PGError: ERROR: column \"isupforconsideration\" does not exist\nLINE 1: ... \"photos\" WHERE (neighborhood = 52 AND is...

SSIS and SQLite

hey guys i want to use a ssis task to generate daily sqlite dbs... the ssis job exports large amounts of data to sqlite. the problem i am facing is ssis opens and closes a transaction for every insert making this task painfully slow is there a way i can instruct ssis to open a transaction at the beginning of the task, perform thousands...

PHP SQLite JSON Data Duplication

I have the following PHP code: $testMessage = "TESTMESSAGE"; $db = new SQLite3('messages.sq3'); $db->exec('CREATE TABLE messages(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, message CHAR(255));'); $db->exec("INSERT INTO messages (message) VALUES ('$testMessage');"); $results = $db->query('SELECT * FROM messages ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5'); while ($row = $...

Android sqlite: order by to sort international characters

Hi, I have a android database and it has a column called 'name'.'Name' column can have international characters. Now when I query this database, I want to sort the name column. The sort should consider international characters while sorting. I have read that there is a UNICODE collator for android but I am not able to use it in queries....

Jython, Django with Sqlite3

NOw i create project by using jython 2.5.2b2 and django1.1.1 (lucid) , after download sqlitejdbc-v056.jar and do some syncdb task its shown "zxJDBC.Error: auth_permission.content_type_id may not be NULL [SQLCode: 0]" but still can runserver, anyone has some great example for this situation?.:) ...

How to exclude column from FTS3 table search

I have such table: CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE t USING FTS3(hidden, text1, text2) I would like user to be able to searh over 'text1' and 'text2' columns, so the query is SELECT docid FROM t WHERE t MATCH ? And possible requests are: SELECT docid FROM t WHERE t MATCH 'foo' SELECT docid FROM t WHERE t MATCH 'text1:foo OR text2:bar' Q: ho...

Are there any free tools that will allow me to view my RoR sqlite3 DBs?

Are there any free GUI tools that will allow me to view the contents of my RoR sqlite3 DBs? ...

SQLite FTS3 installation, unable to create virtual table after installation

I a bit new to sqllite lite and linux commands so any help would be greatly appreciated! Is there something I am missing? After the sqlite-3.7.3 installation, for some reason I am still still not seeing the new version (sqlite-3.7.3) when checking with macbook-pro:sqlite-3.7.3 scott$ which sqlite3 /usr/bin/sqlite3 macbook-pro:sqli...

Concurrency with SQLITE

Hi There, we are planning to use SQLite in our project , and bit confused with the concurrency model of it (because i read many different views on this in the community). so i am putting down my questions hoping to clear off my apprehension. we are planning to prepare all my statements during the application startup with multiple conn...