
Trouble using sqlldr.exe with NCLOB values when unicode characters not in ASCII code range are used.

When we use sqlldr to populate an NCLOB column with a text value from a lob file and the character is not in the regular ASCII code range sqlldr bombs. Seemingly relevant sections from log file: EXTENSIONDATA DERIVED ***** VARCHARC Maximum field length is -2147483639 Static LOBFIL...

Can variables be passed to a SQL*Loader control file?

Suppose you have a table: CREATE TABLE Customer ( batch_id NUMBER, customer_name VARCHAR2(20), customer_address VARCHAR2(100) ) And suppose you have a control file to populate this table: LOAD DATA INFILE 'customers.dat' REPLACE INTO TABLE Customer ( batch_id ??????, customer_name POSITION(001:020), ...

ORA-00054 while loading large data file

I get ORA-00054 while loading large data files(~ 10 gb) The error occurs when this a new file is loaded after a previous file. Any ideas how I can solve this? ...

Oracle sqlldr TRAILING NULLCOLS required, but why?

I have an abstruse sqlldr problem that's bothering me. My control file looks something like this: load data infile 'txgen.dat' into table TRANSACTION_NEW fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"' TRAILING NULLCOLS ( A, B, C, D, ID "ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL" ) Data is something like this: a,b,c, a,b,,d a,b,, a,b,c,d If I do...

loading data to a table containing clob datatype, from a flat file

Hi guys, I am trying to populate a table with the values taken from a flat file using SQLLDR.The problem is that one of the fields in the table is of CLOB datatype(lets say the field name is COMMENTS). In the control file, i have mentioned the datatype for this field as CHAR(4000), since the usage of CLOB in control file was not working....