
How does the Entity Framework tell whether a multiplicity of "one" or "zero or one" should be used on a relationship?

I'm programmatically creating an edmx file as part of our code generation process and I'd like to know how the designer decides to use "1" or "0..1" for a relationship when you "Update model from database". Any insight on this? Thanks Edit: Ok, I think it uses "0..1" when the "many" side is a nullable foreign key and "1" if it's not nu...

When is the StoreGeneratedPattern attribute added to a property in the ssdl? (Entity Framework)

When I create a new diagram and "Update model from database", the StoreGeneratedPattern attribute gets added to some primary key properties, but not all of them. What criteria does the designer use to decide whether to add this or not? ...

MySql and Entity framework randomly gives Schema specified is not valid error

I'm using Entity Framework to access my MySQL database. The model was generated using EDMGEN2 and everything works great. I can do all my linq-to-entity query goodness... ...until an indeterminate amount of time passes and I get "The ProviderManifestToken '5' is different from '5.1' that was encountered earlier" error. Why is it encount...

Mysql EF Stored Procedure, did not generate C# part

I have mysql database with a store procedure. When I added to schema, I found in edmx this: <Function Name="abzac_GetByPage" Aggregate="false" BuiltIn="false" NiladicFunction="false" IsComposable="false" ParameterTypeSemantics="AllowImplicitConversion" Schema="paragraph" /> This I have in SSDL part. But nothing in Designer.cs file...

Entity Framework - Entity Mapping problem

I have two tables: Address and Contact which are joined on contactID (in Contact). Both of these tables have entities in my Entity data model (EF 4.0) and I do not wan't to modify them. I do want to create a new entity that contains information from both entities. What I did so far: In CSDL: <EntityContainer...> <EntitySet Name="...