
Astoria vs. SQL Server Data Services

What are in your opinion big differences between areas of usage for "Astoria" (ADO.NET data services) and SQL Server Data Services? ...

Data access technology for Silverlight and WPF standalone app versions.

I am writing an applicaton that will be a standalone WPF application and also a cut down version that will work as Silverlight and so be hosted in browsers. I want the Silverlight application to access data from the cloud. The WPF application needs to work against a local database but then be able to sync with the same cloud storage. So...

Should I use "using" on my SitkaSoapServiceClient?

(This relates to Microsoft's SitkaSoapService, in the service reference at I'm using SitkaSoapServiceClient to access my SQL Data Services database by SOAP. Should I use a "using" statement every time I use this proxy class? Or does it do its own connection handling in a safe way internally? I.e....

SQL Data Services database design guidelines

I've been playing around lately with SQL Data Services. Although (or perhaps because) I can knock out a well-structured relational database in my sleep, I'm struggling to get my head round how to design a performant database in an environment that has (for example) no enforcement of referential integrity and no indexes on columns other t...

SQL Data Services - querying for null

(This relates to Microsoft's SitkaSoapService, in the service reference at I'm using SitkaSoapServiceClient to access my SQL Data Services database by SOAP. I can query data by passing a linq statement in a string, such as: Scope scope = new Scope(); scope.AuthorityId = authorityId; scope.Contain...

What is the best way to enforce properties that must be implemented at each subclass in *different* fields?

I am trying to come up with the "best" way to implement SQL Data Services flexible entity model where each class could be stored as an entity, even derrived classes. Example: Every subclass has different string Id string Kind Dictionary<string, object> Properties So far, I'm heading in the direction of having both an Entity class (wi...

Are the Azure SDK Samples for using Sql Data Services still relevant since the ACE model is gone?

I've just been doing some research into sql data services, and found out that the current ACE model is being phased out for a newer relational model. It seemed all the samples in the March 2009 CTP were based on the ACE model (like the StorageClient project). I'm wondering if these are still relevant- they seem to all be based on the A...