
Get table row count outside scope of table in SSRS 2008

I can count the rows in the dataset that the table consumes, but this doesn't return the right value as the data in the table is grouped. I need to know the table size in order to dynamically size a chart that appears along side the table. CountRows is obviously no good as you have to be in the scope of the table, which I'm not. Any i...

"Report item not linked to a dataset"...but it is

I am getting this error in the expression editor for a chart control. Category - Fields Item - 'Fields selection frame' is where I see the error The chart IS linked to a dataset though and it works too; how else would the chart be populated with meangingful data when I run it? :) Does anyone know why this occurs? [pic not supplied...

Force chart labels to remain inside frame

RS2008 - pie chart I have 'outside' labels with lines pointing to the segment (although strangely this only appears to work in pdf output) However (see pic below) the label is appearing outside the scope of the chart area How can I force it to remain inside? (MinimumRelativePieSize is set to 70) (pic below missing due to not being ab...

pie chart DynamicHeight property causing huge white space issue in SSRS 2008

I can successfully get the dynamicheight property of a pie chart to match the size of a table it appears adjacent to in the report. The problem is that by using this property, RS is now inserting huge amounts of white space beneath the pie chart. Why is this occuring and how can I make it stop? ...

DynamicHeight pie chart underlapping other objects in the same rectangle in reporting services 2008

I have a pie chart in SSRS 2008 which when it reaches a certain size is underlapping objects which appear below, but still inside the same rectangle; the height of the pie chart is calculated using the DynamicHeight property of the chart Apparantly: Using Rectangles to Control Item Growth and Displacement Items within a rectang...

SSRS Data Driven Subscriptions and Email Bounce Backs

Is there a way to recieve email bounce backs when a subscription failed? My current situation is my data drive subscriptions distrubute reports every Friday. Most of the time the email is sent out to users, but on random occasions, some users do not recieve the email. I am using ad email disbrution groups when sending out emails. I havin...

SSRS 2008 - inclusion of subreport causes main report to return no data

I have a report which worked perfectly. I inserted a subreport at the top (basically a cover sheet) Now the rest of the report runs, but has "no data available" all over it What is going on?! ...

How can you centre an image within the image control in SQL Server Reporting Services 2008?

I have got an image in an image control on a report in SSRS 2008. The image is coming from an external source, and varies in width. I would like to centre the image within the control, but the image control does not have an equivalent of the text box's TextAlign property to allow right/left/center alignment to be done automatically. I h...

SSRS Tablix Header Row Formatting

I've got several reports and they have been built with various formatting. Nothing huge just the header row is different between them. I'd like to pick a standard and just update the reports so they all look the same. This can be done on a textbox by textbox basis - setting the font, font color, font size and background color. It see...

Query execution failed for dataset. Server: The operation has been cancelled

An error has occurred during local report processing. An error has occured during report processing. Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet_XXXXX' Server: The operation has been cancelled. What the William H Gates is going on here? I am trying to preview a report, that uses datasets which connect to ssas cubes, in the report de...

The query contains the XXXXXName parameter, which is not declared. SSRS2008/MDX query

Parser: The query contains the XXXXXName parameter, which is not declared. (msmgdsrv) I have no idea why I keep getting this error. It occurs when I change the MDX in the query designer and trying OKing out of the query designer. The strange thing is that the parameter DOES exist, I can see it in the parameters section of the dataset d...

SSRS 2008 Snapshotting Security

Hi, I'm writing a report that will show data based on the User!UserID built into the SSRS infrastructure. The data is sensitive to the user's department. In addition to these department users, there will be admins that should be able to run for all departments, or have a report parameter to run for a specific department. Ideally, I'd...

SSRS Email Subscription PDF name change.

I have a "Daily Sales Report" made in SSRS 2008 and setup a email subscription to email as an attached PDF file. Is it possible to change the name of the PDF file to the date emailed? ...

Custom SSRS Parameter Metadata

Is there any way to add custom metadata to SSRS 2008 report paramaters? I am using SSRS as my reporting backend, ASP.NET MVC to render parameter inputs and the report viewer to render the report output. I need to set display order/layout metadata for each parameter to use when rendering the parameters. At this point, I'm only using th...

How to convert SSRS 2008 Server reports to SSRS 2008 Client Reports

I have a large SSRS 2008 Server Report Project (more than 200 reports). Currently my companystrategy has been changed and we want to convert these server reports to client reports. All of the Server reports uses Storeprocedures (or in some cases from the SQl Functions) All of them work properly andthere is no problem Beause of project...

MDX query for SSRS2008 parameter, to be used as filter in dataset

What I want to do: The report parameter that the user can select from is a subset of the data available in a dimension. I have a query to retrieve this subset and it works fine. I am then trying to use the selection as a filter in a dataset. In the dataset properties, you can add a parameter based on the ones you have specified on the...

SQL Server Account will work for SQL Server but fails to ReportServer

Setting up SSRS. For Service Account, I set a domain account as the Report Server Service Account. click apply SQL Server Connection Dialog pops up. Need to specify an account with admin privileges. set Credentials Type = SQL Server Account I use sa account (which works, verified many ways with sql server management studio) I f...

SSRS 2008 - Textbox RTF

Hello, We have rtf text stored in our database that looks like the following: {\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil MS Sans Serif;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\lang1033\f0\fs22 Some Text Here \f1 \par } It is my understanding that SSRS 2008 should be able to properly ...

"rsAccessDenied" error for SSRS 2008

Hi All, I have been trying to access SSRS Web Service URL hxxp://myServer:80/ReportServer (from Reporting Service Configuration Manager), but my IE always shows "rsAccessDenied" message saying that my account doesn't have privilage required to view. Here are my system specs. Its my laptop with Windows 7 x64, and SQL Server 2008 with S...

SSRS code variable resetting on new page

In SSRS 2008 I am trying to maintain a SUM of SUMs on a group using custom Code. The reason is that I have a table of data, grouped and returning SUMs of the data. I have a filter on the group to remove lines where group sums are zero. Everything works except I'm running into problems with the group totals - it should be summing the v...