
Is possible having two COM STA instances of the same component?

I had a problem discovered on another thread here, I need to access a COM component that is STA. I'll run it on a dual-core computer, a process using this component only reaches 50% of CPU. Unfortunately, the owners said they can't change the component to MTA, because the component is a hybrid system compiled at Matlab, which core is C. ...

Visual C++ GUI app stuck in MTA mode

I've got a C++ gui project exhibiting some strange behavior. On my machine, the code compiles and runs just fine. However, on another machine, The code compiles but ends up running in MTA somehow. Obviously, being in MTA causes all sorts of runtime problems for the GUI. Here is my main: [STAThreadAttribute] int main(...

Why is this COM interop event not raised whilst running under an STA thread?

Can somebody please explain why the event "OnNewMail" is not raised when using an STA thread in the code below? The program attempts to use the Redemption library to intercept incoming outlook mails. class Program { [STAThread()] // When this line is deleted the application works static void Main(string[] args) { ...

Running REST/WCF as STA instead of MTA for COM

Is it possible to configure a REST (WCF) service to run as STA instead of MTA? This is approach is needed in order to run legacy COM objects. In order to configure ASMX web services to run as STA instead of MTA, there is a workaround available that uses an HTTPHandler to force the web service to run as STA. An article by Jeff Prosise ...

STA, MTA and OLE nightmare

I have to include a .NET application into another .NET application as a plugin. The plugin interface requires me to inherit from a template form. The form is then attached in a MDI when the plugin is loaded. Everything is working so far, but whenever I register for drag and drop events, set the autocomplete mode for a combobox or at var...

Hooking thread exit

Is there a way for me to hook the exit of managed threads (i.e. run some code on a thread, just before it exits?) I've developed a mechanism for hooking thread exit that works for some threads. Step 1: develop a 'hook' STA COM class that takes a callback function and calls it in its destructor. Step 2: create a ThreadStatic instance of ...

Why is Thread.Join not letting through COM messages?

I am running some multi-threaded code that does the following. On an STA thread, I create a 'worker' thread, and run it. The STA thread then waits for the worker thread to exit. The worker thread calls a method on a proxy to an STA COM object on the STA thread, and then exits. In step 2, I'm using Thread.Join() to wait for the worke...

Single-threaded apartment - cannot instantiate ActiveX control

I need to get information about applied CSS styles in HTML page. I used AxWebBrowser and iterate IHTMLDOMNode. I'm able to get all the data I need and move the code into my application. The problem is that this part is running inside of the background worker and I got exception when trying to instantiate the control. AxWebBrowser browse...

How to make job to run in a single-threaded apartment?

I simply tried this: public class FooJob : IJob { public FooJob() { } public void Execute(JobExecutionContext context) { Thread.CurrentThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); } } But it produces InvalidOperationException. Ideas? ...

Convert Keith Hill's PowerShell Get-Clipboard and Set-Clipboard to a PSM1 script

I'd like to convert Keith Hill's C# implementation of Get-Clipboard and Set-Clipboard into pure PowerShell as a .PSM1 file. Is there a way to spin up an STA thread in PowerShell as he does in his Cmdlet when working with the clipboard? The Blog Post The Code ...

Duplex WCF + Static Collection of COM objects

I am trying to build a WCF service that exposes the functionality of a particular COM object that I do not have the original source for. I am using duplex binding so that each client has their own instance as there are events tied to each particular instance which are delivered through a callback (IAgent). It appears there is a deadloc...

How to run something in the STA thread?

In my WPF application I do some async communication (with server). In the callback function I end up creating InkPresenter objects from the result from server. This requires the running thread to be STA, which apparently it currently isn't. Therefore I get the following exception: Cannot create instance of 'InkPresenter' defined in ...

How to check apartment state of current thread?

I have a function which requires to be run in STA apartment state. I wan't to check if it is being run as STA, and if not spawn a new thread which runs in STA. How can I check which apartment state the current thread is being run in? ...

Using WPF UI thread should always ensure STA apartment mode, right?

In my WPF application I communicate asynchronously with a server. The callback will hence not be run in the UI thread, and as I need to do some WPF stuff there (create InkPresenter object) I need it to be run on the UI thread. Well, actually the requirement is that it is run on a thread with STA apartment mode. I tried creating a new thr...

How are STA COM components handled when used in a WCF service hosted in IIS (7+)?

From what I understand, when a COM component marked as using STA is used from a MTA thread, the calls are supposed to be marshalled to an STA thread and executed from that dedicated thread. In the case of a Windows client application, this would mean that it would execute on the UI thread (if marked as STA), and that callbacks from the C...

Which blocking threading operations in .NET will handle COM messages when blocked?

When creating a new STA thread to host an STA COM component, it is the responsibility of that thread to pump Windows messages related to COM. From what I've been able to gather, certain built in .NET threading primitives such as lock (Monitor.Enter) will do this for you while waiting for the object to be released by another thread. Anoth...