
PHP output buffer stacking question/problem

The following is not achieving what I desire <? echo ob_start() . "<br>"; echo "1x<br>"; echo ob_start() . "<br>"; echo "2x<br>"; echo ob_flush() . "<br>"; echo "3x<br>"; echo ob_flush() . "<br>"; ?> The output is the following 1 1x 1 2x 1 3x 1 I am wanting something along the lines of 1x 3x 2x I assume the problem is its putt...

Movieclip stacking in Actionscript

I'm building a game of which the interface is one of the first items to load on screen. Sound button, pause and all the bits - During the game - all manor of things are dynamically added and removed to the stage. Therefore my interface goes behind my game scene. How do I ensure the movieclip always stays on top? Can I override the add...

Preventing float wrapping without setting parent width

I would like to have several items stack horizontally infinitely (in one row), without setting the width of their parent container. I'm fully aware that setting the container div to width:1000px; will make them stack, but for various reasons I do not want to use this solution. Are there any alternatives? <html> <head> <style type="text/...