
STAThread and multithreading

From the MSDN article on STAThread: Indicates that the COM threading model for an application is single-threaded apartment (STA). (For reference, that's the entire article.) Single-threaded apartment... OK, that went over my head. Also, I read somewhere that unless your application uses COM interop, this attribute actually does no...

WPF with Windows Forms - STAThread

I am a newbie to WPF and have a couple of questions about WPF and Windows Forms integration. I have an existing Visual C# Windows Forms application. I would like to integrate it with a WPF window, that can be shown on a button click. This was not possible as WPF expects the calling thread to be a STAThread and by default WinForm assu...

IoC and User Interfaces

I'm trying to wrap my head around the best way to use IoC within my application for dependency injection, however I have a little issue. I am using a loose implementation of the MVP pattern with a WPF app. Essentially, a presenter class is instantiated, and a view and task (e.g. IEmployeeView and IEmployeeTask for EmployeePresenter) are...

STATHREAD as async workflow in F#

Consider the following code fragment: let t1 = async { return process1() } let t2 = async { return process2() } let t3 = async { return windowsProcess() } let execute = [ t1; t2; t3 ] |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously |> ignore What to do in the case the windowsProcess requires a STATHREAD? Is this possibl...

how do I delay instantiation of the main form until responded to an event in a win forms app?

Some background: I get the following exception in my code below. ThreadStateException : ActiveX control '8856f961-340a-11d0-a96b-00c04fd705a2' cannot be instantiated because the current thread is not in a single-threaded apartment. The Main() method is marked with the [STAThread] attribute. The app is supposed to start up without a wi...

Workflow 4.0 in a single threaded apartment?

I'm looking hard at WF 4.0 right now, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to run workflows in STA threads. I've got a requirement for constructing XPS documents in a workflow, which means I need to create UI elements (FixedPage), which means the thread running the workflow has to be STA. In 3.0, you could do some magic (I didn'...

.NET Windows Service needs to use STAThread

I have created a Windows Service that will be calling out to some COM components, so I tagged [STAThread] to the Main function. However, when the timer fires, it reports MTA and the COM calls fail. How can I fix this? using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.ServiceProcess; using System.Threading; using System.Timers; n...

How to run unit tests in STAThread mode?

I would like to test an app that uses the Clipboard (WindowsForms) and I need the Clipboard in my Unittests also. In order to use it, it should run in STA mode, but since the NUnit Testfixture does not have a main method, I don't know where/how to annotate it... Thanks! ...

Process.Start is blocking

I'm calling Process.Start, but it blocks the current thread. pInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe"); // Start process mProcess = new Process(); mProcess.StartInfo = pInfo; if (mProcess.Start() == false) { Trace.TraceError("Unable to run process {0}."); } Even when the process is closed, the code doesn't respond ...

STA not recognized in Slim (FitNesse)

I wrote a custom table class for Slim that lets users write commands that are used to run automated tests. All commands are now working, except for one that relies on a certain call that has to be made in an STA thread. I was able to solve this issue in Fit by adding STA to the suiteConfig file. However, it looks like adding that to t...