
How do I programatically disable Etags in iis 6

I'm trying to turn Etags off on iis 6 since I'm load ballancing multiple servers, I don't want the etag to become a problem. ...

Django and Serving Static Files

I'm hosting a site on WebFaction using Django/mod_python/Python2.5. I've recently run into the concept of static files (when setting up my Django admin). From what I understand, serving static files is simply the idea of telling the server to serve files directly from a specific directory, rather than first routing the request through a...

What is the best way to optimize a Windows Server 2008 box running IIS7 to serve only static files?

I would like to have our web applications pull static content (css, js, images) from a static file server running Windows Server 2008 and IIS7. What sort of optimizations would you make to the server for this single purpose? (Machine.config changes? Web.config changes? Special IIS7 setup or modules? What?) ...

Static files served from CIFS Windows share through nginx/Ubuntu aren't fully sent to the browser.

We have a Rails app with nginx front end. Users can upload files, which are stored on a Windows network share, and retrieve them later. The uploaded files are served statically through nginx. Downloading an image, for example, will only download a portion of the original image. Refreshing the page successfully downloads a little more of...

Debug static file requests from IIS6

How can I debug what is being returned by IIS(6) when the response goes through proxies before getting to the browser? I have requests for static files which are being sent with the 'Accept-encoding: gzip' header. These are being gzipped correctly. However, if a 'Via: ' header (to redirect the response via a proxy) is also included the...

caching static files for ruby on rails application using nginx

I have been trying for some time to serve & cache static files for my rails app using nginx. the rails app server runs mongrel_cluster and is deployed on a different host than that of nginx. following many of the available discussions I tried the following server { listen 80; server_name; ...

Configure IIS7 to server static content through ASP.NET Runtime

I searched high an low and still cannot find a definite answer. How do I configure IIS 7.0 or a Web Application in IIS so that ASP.NET Runtime will handle all requests -- including ones to static files like *.js, *.gif, etc? What I'm trying to do is as follows. We have kind of SaaSy site, which we can "brand" for every customer. "Bran...

In Sinatra, how can I serve static index.html files in subdirectories in public folder?

I noticed that Sinatra does not recognize index.html files in public folder's subdirectories and returns an error when url is pointing to a directory without specifiying the file name. For example, if user enters a url like "", Sinatra fails to recognize the existence of an index.html file in that directory....

How to load static files from view HTML in web2py?

Given a view with layout, how can I load static files (CSS and JS, essentially) into the <head> from the view file? layout.html <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" xml:lang="{{=T.accepted_language or 'en'}...

How to handle javascript & css files across a site?

Hi everybody, I have had some thoughts recently on how to handle shared javascript and css files across a web application. In a current web application that I am working on, I got quite a large number of different javascripts and css files that are placed in an folder on the server. Some of the files are reused, while others are not. ...

Tips for serving static files faster, like JavaScripts, CSS and images

I would like to get some tips from our SO users about serving static files on a website like JavaScript, CSS, images and Flash files faster. Any useful tips? ...

How to deal with temporary storage of uploaded files

In my django application I have a multi step registration, with few conditional parameters. Because of this I figured out to store data from forms in session. Unfortunatelly sessions serialize data using pickle, which doesn't support file serialization and causes PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'cStringIO.StringO'>: attribute lookup cS...

Django: control access to "static" files

Ok, I know that serving media files through Django is a not recommended. However, I'm in a situation where I'd like to serve "static" files using fine-grained access control through Django models. Example: I want to serve my movie library to myself over the web. I'm often travelling and I'd like to be able to view any of my movies where...

Gzip JS and CSS in Django

Hi. I tried profiling my web application and one of the bottlenecks reported was the lack of gzip compression. I proceeded to install the gzip middleware in Django and got a bit of a boost but a new report shows that it is only gzipping the HTML files i.e. any content processed by Django. Is there a way I could kludge/hack/force/make the...

Mvc application not serving files from the content folder when user is logged in

I am using a custom membership system and works great but when the user logs in all my pages get distorted because some styles and images fail to load, I used Google Chrome Developer Tools and I get several errors "Failed to load resource, (error 500 internal error) or something similar but everything else seems to be working fine only t...