
I'm trying to split a string by a delimiter but it doesn't work, why?

Hi All, I wrote below code to readin line by line from stdin ex. city=Boston;city=New York;city=Chicago\n and then split each line by ';' delimiter and print each record. But for some reason the "record" pointer comes back always null. Why? char del = ';'; char input[BUFLEN]; while(fgets(input, BUFLEN, fp)) { ...

How to send backspace using sendmessage(C#) to cmd.exe

I am trying to send keystrokes to cmd.exe that I launch from my app. In doing so, I am able to send all the keyboard characters, but if I try to send Backspace, it doesnt seem to take effect. The following is the code snippet to send message to cmd.exe: SendMessage((int)shell.MainWindowHandle, WM_KEYDOWN, ((int)e.KeyCode), 0); SendMessa...

Read from File, or STDIN

I've written a command line utility that uses getopt for parsing arguments given on the command line. I would also like to have a filename be an optional argument, such as it is in other utilities like grep, cut etc. So, I would like it to have the following usage tool -d character -f integer [filename] How can I implement the followi...

Compress files while reading data from STDIN

Is it possible to compress (create a compressed archive) data while reading from stdin on Linux. ...

arrow key via stdin

Hi everybody, I'm trying to send an arrow key via the stdin to the bash: cat | /bin/bash then i am typing "echo hi" => "hi" appears on the console (of course without the quotes) then i press the arrow key up => ^[[A command not found appears Is it possible to send an arrow key to an program via the stdin ? The reason why i am asking...

How to write a GUI wrapper around a command line program in *C*?

System(); is able to call a program in PATH. How is it possible to send stdin read from e.g. a text field on a GUI to a command line program such as ftp, sftp ... with their own prompts? System() waits for a program to quit, but ftp does not without user interaction. It's also not possible to create a batch file since it's read only one ...

.NET: Inject Data into Input-Buffer of Process

Hi * I need to automate an command line application. It asks the user to enter a password. All my approches to send the password via STDIN failed. Now I am trying to do this with an wrapper-programm using .NET. I am starting the application creating a new process, setting the StartInfo-properties and then start the process: Dim app_pa...

How to implement a stdin, stdout wrapper ?

I have an interactive program that runs stdin and stdout. I need to create wrapper that will send X to it's stdin, check that it prints Y and then redirects wrapper's stdin and stdout to program's stdin and stdout just like program would be executed directly. How to implement this ? X and Y can be hardcoded. Bash? Python? Edit: I can't...

Using istream_iterator and reading from standard input or file

Hi, I'm writing in Microsoft Visual C++ and I'd like my program to either read from standard input or a file using the istream_iterator. Googling the internets hasn't shown how simple I think it must be. So for example, I can write this pretty easily and read from standard input: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iterator>...

Splitting up lines into ints

I have a file that I read from, it contains a bunch of lines each with a different number of integers, I'm having trouble splitting it up into a vector of a vector of ints. This is my current code. std::vector<int> read_line() { std::vector<int> ints; int extract_int; while((const char*)std::cin.peek() != "\n" && std::cin.p...

Why does this code behave differently in Python3.1 than in Python2.6?

I'm very new to programming so I apologize in advance if my question is too silly. #!/usr/bin/python2.6 import subprocess, time p=subprocess.Popen(['cat'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for i in 'abcd': p.stdin.write(str.encode(i+'\n')) output=p.stdout.readline() print(output) time.sleep(1...

how to read stdin from a yii command

Hi There, Does anyone know how to read stdin using a custom Command in the Yii framework? I am busy writing a script to process incoming mails through a php script but need functionality from within the Yii framework as well. By default Yii passes the command line arguments in a variable to your run() method when you extend the CCon...

When the input is from a pipe, does run until EOF is reached?

Sorry if this is a naïve question, but let's say I have a Ruby program called processor.rb that begins with data = If I invoke this program like this cat textfile.txt | processor.rb Does wait for cat to pipe the entire textfile.txt in? Or does it assign some indeterminate portion of textfile.txt to the data vari...

writing stdin into a file with fwrite()

I have to capture the stdout in a program and write that into a I created a pipe. In the parent process, I captured the stdout in the pipe using dup() and I need to get this into a I did a dup() in the child to get the captured file descriptor into the stdin. Now, how do I write this stdin into a file using fwrite()?...

Ruby stdio consts and globals, what are the uses?

Ruby has constants and global variables for stdio. Namely, the consts STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR, and their variable counterparts, $stdin, $stdout, $stderr. I understand the difference between a constant and a variable. I know the constants are immutably set to the file descriptors at the moment the script was exec'd. I also understand tha...

reading stdin multiple times in bash

Hi, I'm trying to read from stdin multiple times in a shell script, with no luck. The intention is to read a list of files first (which are read from the stdin pipe), and then read twice more to get two strings interactively. (What I'm trying to do is read a list of files to attach in an email, then the subject and finally the email b...

fgets() function in C

Hi, I know everybody has told me to use fgets and not gets because of buffer overflow. However, I am a bit confused about the third parameter in fgets(). As I get it, fgets is dependent on: char * fgets ( char * str, int num, FILE * stream ); char* str is the ptr to where my input will be stored. num is the max number of characte...

Ruby: Nicer way of doing this : script to run against stdin if no arg; otherwise input file =ARGV[0].

This works quite nicely - just wondered if there are any improvements to shorten it ? if (ARGV[0].nil?) then input=$< else[0],"r"); end ... # Do something with the input here, for example: input.each_line do |line| puts line end ...

C - getchar() in a loop?

How I can use getchar() in a loop? Now I have... for (p=0; p<n_players; p++) { ... fflush(stdin); getchar(); } But it doesn't work... if n_players is 3, it execute getchar 2 times only at the end... for (p=0; p<n_players; p++) { blank_start(); ascii_art_title(); printf("%s, tocca a te...\n",player_info[p].play...

How do you specify filenames within a zip when creating it on the command line from a pipe?

I'm trying to create a zip file from file contents which are being piped in, e.g. mysql [params and query] | zip -q - This writes the zip correctly, but when you open the zip, the file within it is called "-". Is there any way of specifying what the filename of the piped in data should be within the zip? ...