
Authentication using Orbited, STOMP, and MorbidQ

I'm using Orbited to build a Comet chat system on a PHP-based website. However, currently any user can subscribe or post to any channel. What I'm looking to do is have the browser listen for updates directly from the Orbited server, and have all other actions (subscribe, send) handled by a PHP authentication layer, which communicates wi...

Connect PHP with Orbited

After searching the web for a good Comet and also and asking you guys what my best option is, I've chose to go with Orbited. The problem is if you need a good documentation about Comet you won't find. I've installed Orbited and It seems It works just fine. Basically, I want to constantly check a database and see if there is a new data. ...

Streaming the result of a command back to the browser using Twisted and Comet

I'm writing an application that streams the output (by this I mean both sys.stdout and sys.stderr) of a python script excited on the server, in real time to the browser. The users on the site will be allowed to select the script to run, excite and kill their chosen script, and change some parameters, so I will need a different thread p...

FuseSource Stomp Library hanging for large messages

It appears that the ActiveMQ FuseSource Stomp PHP client can't handle messages larger than 1024 bytes. The code is as follows in Stomp.php: $rb = 1024; $data = ''; $end = false; do { $read = fread($this->_socket, $rb); if ($read === false) { $this->_reconnect(); return $this->readFrame();...

Is ActiveMQ's failover mechanism supported by C# (openwire) & python (stomp) clients?

I'd like to use ActiveMQ to connect python service with C# clients. Is there a way to specify failover connection in C# (openwire) and python (Stomp)? The ActiveMQ will be configured Shared File System Master Slave. ...

Can I configure Apache ActiveMQ to use the STOMP protocol over UDP?

I'm developing a STOMP binding for Ada, which is working fine utilizing TCP/IP as the transport between the client and an ActiveMQ server configured as a STOMP broker. I thought to support UDP as well (i.e. STOMP over UDP), however, the lack of pertinent information in the ActiveMQ documentation or in web searches suggests to me that thi...

Using Flash and ActiveMQ

Hey all, Ive been using ActiveMQ as a message broker and have been able to get Flex to subscribe to a topic and receive messages using this library and (cant add second link) as a guide. However I've been unable to achieve the same goal in Flash. Does anyone know how to use this library in Flash or know any tuto...

How to pss a ObjectMessage from perl to JMS

I want to send a perl object as a message to JMS server. I am using Net::Stomp to send a message from perl client to jms server. I am able to send text message but i want to construct a object similar to java object and send it to jms and convert that perl object back to java object at jms server. Can anybody help? ...

Triggering PHP from ActiveMQ

Background: Our current system involves two services (one written in Java, the other in PHP) that communicate with each other using HTTP callbacks. We would like to migrate from HTTP callbacks to a message-based architecture using ActiveMQ (or another, if necessary). We'll probably use STOMP to communicate between them. Eventually, the P...

activemessaging with stomp and activemq.prefetchSize=1

I have a situation where I have a single activemq broker with 2 queues, Q1 and Q2. I have two ruby-based consumers using activemessaging. Let's call them C1 and C2. Both consumers subscribe to each queue. I'm setting activemq.prefetchSize=1 when subscribing to each queue. I'm also setting ack=client. Consider the following sequence...

Is Stomp's MessageMap format completely unusable?

I'm sending MapMessages in Java to ActiveMQ and retrieving them using Stomp in PHP. My message creation code looks like this: MapMessage message = session.createMapMessage(); message.setInt("id", 42); message.setInt("status", 42); message.setString("result", "aString"); When I retrieve them in PHP, the array that's created looks like ...

Communicating between PHP and Java using ActiveMQ/Stomp

Background I have two services that need to communicate with each other over a message queue. One is a legacy service written in PHP and the other is in Java. Sooner than later, the PHP service will be rewritten in Java. The current way they communicate with each other is to write to a shared database, which the other service polls. Thi...

Is 0MQ a protocol, a layer, or both? Can I use it in conjunction with STOMP?

I've tied myself in knots, being new to both STOMP and 0MQ, but in a nutshell, I want to facilitate client to client communication in the browser with interaction from a PHP MOM or a number of PHP MOMs. I'm considering using WebSocket to provide persistent duplex connections (when available) between html5 browser clients and the MOM endp...

Pre-built AMQP and STOMP client (as in GUI client)

Hi, I'm looking for a client (as in GUI client, not client library) to play with our MQ server and familiarize myself with its semantics. Something that will send and receive messages at the press of a button (or a text command) and maybe even update me about the status of the server queues and messages. Administration would be a bonus....

how to use multiple broker? (Stomp, ActiveMQ and activemessaging)

I am using ActiveMQ with stomp and activemessaging. I tried to follow the configuration steps in In my broker.yml, I have the following config development: adapter: stomp login: "" passcode: "" host: localhost port: 61613 reliable: true reconnec...

How to connect to ActiveMQ broker (stomp protocol,activemessaging) running in another Machine?

Basically, I have 2 MQs running on different machines(ubuntu). I need them to be able to communicate with one another. I have my broker.yml,on machine A, like this; development: adapter: stomp login: "" passcode: "" host: localhost port: 61613 reliable: true reconnectDelay: 5 foo: adapter: stomp login: "" passcode: "" ...

.Net Messaging & STOMP Protocol

I have a doubt regarding .net messaging & its compatibility with other open protocols out there. I would like to know if .net messaging API capable of working with STOMP protocol? How do i make use of this protocol? is there any specific library out there I need to use? thanks for sharing your experience and ideas. ...

Stomp Connection Bleeding

I am connecting to Active via PHP Stomp client as publisher. So the arch. is - HTTP Request to PHP - Connect to ActiveMQ - Publishe message to a topic - Disconnect However, after sometime the I can see bunch of active connection under Stomp Connector under Admin section http://:8161/admin/connections.jsp Few entries are as foll... based durable client fills up subscribers list in ActiveMQ

I have a problem with a durable client on ActiveMQ. I am using in Python. conn.start() conn.connect(wait=True, header = {'client-id': 'myhostname' }) conn.subscribe( '/topic/testTopic', ack='auto', headers = { 'activemq.subscriptionName': 'myhostname', 'selector': "cli...

Gitorious socket timeout on repo creation

I'm getting the following error when trying to create a new repository with gitorious: Timeout::Error (execution expired): /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:60:in `socket' stomp (1.1) lib/stomp/connection.rb:42:in `initialize' vendor/plugins/activemessaging/lib/activemessaging/adapters/stomp.rb:28:in `initialize' vendor/plugins/activ...