
Why is Github more popular than Gitorious?

Gitorious has been around longer and the two sites seem to cover the same ground, yet a quick Google Fight shows Github almost two orders of magnitude higher. Is there a larger distinction that I'm not aware of? ...

My Gitoreous doesn't create the repositories!

Hello, I've just installed gitoreous here, but I'm having problems creating new repositories. I configured it to create them in the /home/git/ directory, and the it's already 777. When I create a new repository, it goes to "This repository is being created, it will be ready pretty soon…" and keep showing this forever. I started the git...

Ruby on Rails: Problem installing gitorious in Ubuntu 9.0.4

I seem unable to install Gitorious. I am trying not to install Ruby Enterprise Edition, but apart from that I have been following the instructions for Ubunut (there were some errors but I have gotten around those). I have installed a number of missing packages and gems, but now I am stuck when I try to migrate the database. I get the fol...

Import into github from gitorious?

Has anyone tried or figured out how to import a gitorious repo into github? I already use github and wanted to see if there was a way to pull from a gitorious repo that I wanted to follow into github. ...

Has Gitorious hooks for CIA commit notification?

As I am running out of my space on GitHub on my free account (yes, I am considering upgrading), I am setting up new git repositories on Gitorious (see also GitHub vs Gitorious). One great feature of GitHub is the post-commit hooks, that allow me to notify the (also great) CIA network... However, I have been unable to find if Gitorious s...

Hudson gitorious plugin?

Has anyone integrated a local copy of gitorious with Hudson? Specifically, linking the sha1 on Hudson web page back to the gitorious web page. ...

gitorious install won't login

I have installed a copy of Gitorious on my own server. Everything so far seems to be okay except the fact I can't login. Any attempt to login(with correct credentials), from multiple browsers, just throws me back to the main page. Logging in with wrong password will just clear password box. What could be causing this? ...

Is good idea to use gerrit to host the git repository instead of gitolite or gitosis ?

Originally I try to use gitosis to manage the git repositories in the company, and later notice gitolite is kind of enhancement of gitosis. And also I heard gerrit could be used for the same purpose, but from the description, gerrit is mainly used for code review. So which is the best way for setting up git server using gitolite (fo...

Gitorious source code isn't routing properly

I have installed gitorious on my local server and when I try to run it in my browser, I don't see the homepage. Instead I see this page. Help? ...

How to specify which SSH key to use within git for git push in order to have gitorious as a mirror?

Hi, I have a project hosted on (alioth) and I'd like to configure a post-receive hook to update a mirror of the repository on I suppose I'll have to use git push --mirror gitorious Now, I'll need to have Alioth authorized on gitorious for the push to succeed. How do I do that? I suppose I need to c...

Infamous 'byte sequence" error with local install of gitorious on Ruby 1.9.1

I am trying to install gitorious on my personal server but I am not very familiar with Ruby or the frameworks and scripts involved in getting to the finish line. I am following the following instructions to install gitorious on my CentOS 5.4 server: The site comes up but a...

Gitorious socket timeout on repo creation

I'm getting the following error when trying to create a new repository with gitorious: Timeout::Error (execution expired): /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:60:in `socket' stomp (1.1) lib/stomp/connection.rb:42:in `initialize' vendor/plugins/activemessaging/lib/activemessaging/adapters/stomp.rb:28:in `initialize' vendor/plugins/activ...