
Weighing High-Volume Database Servers

Hey guys, I suppose this is partially subjective in that it's probably dependent on everyone's interpretation of "high volume", but for the sake of discussion, I'd like to approach this in a hypothetical way. Also, if this is something that should be exclusive to ServerFault, let me know and I'll happily repost there. Obviously there ...

How to save files on Google App Engine server (modifying the source code of the proxy)

How to modify the source code that also collected data used by the proxy server were stored on the server GAE? (optional: for 30 days? - Because there are limits...) And... Sorry for my english, but you know what I mean? For example, to the entry on the website

Backup/Restore MySQL ARCHIVE engine table - Can't find file

Hi, I recently did a backup of an MySQL ARCHIVE (engine) table and I am trying to restore this table on another server. Basically, the backup process was to copy the .ARZ and .frm and move the files on the new server. Then I chmoded the files (mysql:mysql) and set the permissions (now it appears 777 since I wanted to make sure it was no...

How to increase the Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)?

Once you run out of space, is there easier way to increase the Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) storage? ...

Better way to store large files in a MySQL database?

I have a PHP script that you can upload very large files with (up to 500MB), and the file's content is stored in a MySQL database. Currently I do something like this: mysql_query("INSERT INTO table VALUES('')"); $uploadedfile = fopen($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], 'rb'); while (!feof($uploadedfile)) { $line = mysql_escape_string(fget...

Storing millions of log files - Approx 25 TB a year

Hi Folks, As part of my work we get approx 25TB worth log files annually, currently it been saved over an NFS based filesystem. Some are archived as in zipped/tar.gz while others reside in pure text format. I am looking for alternatives of using an NFS based system. I looked at MongoDB, CouchDB. The fact that they are document oriented...

C# Overhead of evaluating 13 bits instead of native 16 bits

I'm compiling a lookup table that needs to have 133,784,560 entries, with values ranging from 0 - 7,462 The maximum value of 7,462 can be contained within 13 bits. This gives us a lookup table of around 207 MB. A 16 bit value increases our lookup table size around 50mb more. The extra increase in size of the lookup table is not signi...

Passing data from page to page in PHP

Well, I have a new project, and I've not done anything like it before, but so far so good. I am in need of having to pass some data from one page to another, and there is no limit to the amount of data that gets passed. At first, I was thinking of POST-ing it, and then when each page loads, just grab the POST data, and store it in an ar...

Why n in varchar(n) is to be specified as concrete digit?

I did red-read on this and could not clearly understand... Having (for the purpose of shortening this question) DECLARE @temp VARCHAR(4001); --update: 4001 is for example only to avoid varchar(MAX) discussions -- I am aware about 8000 SET @temp = 'a'; does SQL Server reserve 4001 bytes for @temp which (the rest 4000 from 40...

raw text storage vs text parsing (BBCODE(PHP))

Im making my little site where users can create blogs, and have studied publishing tools like wordpress and vbulletin. When a user creates a post with BBcodes/mark up language, should i parse it into HTML and insert in db, and then only echo the text for the user, or should insert it with bbcode in the db, and let the php page parse it ...

How can I programatically get HBA information (or PowerPath details) from a server?

I'd like to monitor details of my HBA's and not sure how to extract info from my PowerPath console or anything from my QLogic HBA's. Any detail or information would be great. From what I can tell, Microsoft uses something called HBAAPI when installing the Exchange Best Practice tools... ...

How best to store web application images in the filesystem

What is the best practise for storing a large number of files that are referenced in a database in the file system? We're currently moving from a system that stores around 14,000 files (around 6GB of images and documents) in a MySQL database. This is quickly becoming unmanageable. We currently plan to save the files by their database p...

How should I serialize an array of Moose objects?

I use MooseX::Storage for serialization of Moose objects. Can I use it for serialization of multiple Moose objects to the same file, or more specifically, an array or a hash of Moose objects? I guess I can define another Moose objects ('array_of_myobj') but this isn't very elegant. So, how would you recommend to serialize an array (or ...

Storing vars and constants during compilation. (sample language)

Background: I'm making a compiler, the scanner and parser is already done. We have our formal grammar, which defines a program as: program = declarations procedureDeclarations main  (  ){   declarations statementSequence } So you can notice that declarations can be either global or local to the main method. So as I pa...

Best way to detect and store path combinations for analysing purpose later

I am searching for ideas/examples on how to store path patterns from users - with the goal of analysing their behaviours and optimizing on "most used path" when we can detect them somehow. Eg. which action do they do after what, so that we later on can check to see if certain actions are done over and over again - therefore developing a...