
working of video75 and googlevideo caches

Possible Duplicate: creating a proxy site video75 can be used to search youtube videos in countres like turkey, where youtube is banned. I observered the request and response from video75 and saw that it ultimately streams the video from googlevideo cache . I tried to play a video on video75 and I saw that ultimatly video was ...

How to stream a shoutcast radio broadcast in Flash (Shoutcast Flash Player)

I've been looking for a solution to this for years, but nothing is conclusively documented. There are many Shoutcast Flash players out there (e.g. so I know it's possible. However, most of my research leads to this: s = new Sound(); s.loadSound ("url.of.shoutcaststream:8003",true); Which works for me in FireFox but not in IE...

Has anyone worked with silverlight streaming sdk?

Hi all, I am developing a web app using silverlight. I read that Microsoft offers 10 gigabytes of free hosting for streaming video \ audio files. My question is as following: Have any of you worked with the SDK supporting this? Is it possible to upload a video \ audio file to the server from one silverlight client and stream it to other...

How to start RTP stream inside a SIP/SDP call

I've managed to set up a SIP call using the JAIN-SIP API for Java. Now I would like to stream some video once a dialog has been established. I've read that this is possible with SDP and RTP, and I've found multiple examples on how to define a SDP/RTP body in a SIP packet. But once you have negotiated capability etc. on nodes, how do yo...

Live streaming video latency

Trying to determine what's "most" responsible for latency - the round trip my video makes from my encoder, to my server, and back down to the player in my browser. I'm at about 12 seconds right now with a player I like. Is it buffering in my player? Buffering on the way out by FMLE? The reason I ask is I feel I've eliminated other ...

Stream sound from internet / server (and passing to nAudio soundplayer)

Hi, I'm trying to create a sound application, somewhat like Spotify using nAudio open source library. The application is only intended as a personal archive of my own song ideas. Most functionality works great but the WaveChannel32(New WaveFileReader) doesn't support URLs it seems. Now, the sound files themselves lie in a folder on a ...

PHP Video Editing and Streaming

Hi, I am developing online video streaming website on PHP. I need two functionalities: Need to add title/text at bottom of the video dynamically. Need to add background music to video dynamically. Is it possible with PHP or any available open source library? Can anyone guide me or provide links to this type of library ? Thanks. ...

How to stop a FLV Movie on a Web FLV Player at the last frame.

I'm using -- When the movie finishes, it comes to the first frame after it finishes, and stops there. I'd like to stop it at the last frame. How can I do this if I don't have editing access to the FLA file? Is there a way to accomplish this with this player, or any other free ones out there? Please suggest a fre...

Stream as an Attachment to System.Net.Mail is 0 bytes

I've got a project where I'm using a PDF generator to send a file to a user. We'd like to give the user the option to attach this file to an email instead, and we're having trouble using the Stream object and Attachment logic together. We start with ABCpdf, which has two save methods: it can save to a Stream, or if you give it a string...

Using audioqueue to stream audio. How to get the length of the audio file before playback ends?

Already finished implementing the player. I want to implement the progress bar. But I wonder if that's possible to do since we are streaming the music. Unless we are provided the length of the song before hand. Please, I need your advice on this. ...

Streaming audio receives InsufficietBW from server, what should the player do?

My streaming audio player sometimes receives NetStream.Play.InsufficientBW and shortly after that, the NetConnection is closed. What should the player do in response to the InsufficientBW status? ...

Bad response (400) with a WCF streaming service configured programmatically.

Hi, this if my first attempt at using streaming for WCF, and I am struggling with the dreadful "The remote server returned an unexpected response: (400) Bad Request" response. The trace viewer says that this is a System.ServiceModel.ProtocolException with message "There is a problem with the XML that was received from the network. See...

Android streming audio/video can't stream a rtsp file?

I want to stream a media file on web, and android developer website has said that MediaPlayer.setDataSource() can set the data source (file-path or http/rtsp URL) to use. But I got an error in both G1 device and emulator when streaming a rtsp url file: Command PLAYER_PREPARE completed with an error or info PVMFailure error(1, -1). Does ...

MPMoviePlayer Loop, streaming music

Hi! I have two questions about an application that I'm trying to write. First, is it possible to loop video using the MPMoviePlayerController (without calling play again in the moviePlayBackDidFinish method)? When I do it that way it flashes my apps menu screen before playing again. Second, is it possible to stream music (either from ...

How to get the uncompressed file size of an MP3 file using CoreAudio API

Using CoreAudio, I am able to get the sampleRate (frames per second) and the file size, but in order to get the "total" time of the song, I need to know the Real file size of that compressed mp3. AudioStreamBasicDescription asbd; UInt32 asbdSize = sizeof(asbd); // get the stream format. err = AudioFileStreamGetProperty(inAudioF...

SoundManager + FFMPEG causing loud popping sound when streaming MP3s?

Hi there, I built an application that plays both uploaded original mp3 files, and copies that have been converted with FFMPEG. I am finding that in some cases the FFMPEG files have a horrible popping/clicking/screeching sound for a split second at startup (hear below). But when I analyze the file in an audio editor there is nothing ther...

how to throttle akamai stream

i'm testing a flash site with Charles Proxy. It doesn't appear to be throttling the video stream from Akamai that we're using. Is there a way to simulate how the stream will work on a slow connection? ...

VideoProgressEvent does not fire. Why?

I have a VideoProgressEvent on my FLVPlayback but when I test the video I get these posted in the log: _streamLength = NaN calling getStreamLength calling getStreamLengthResult(279.066) And the event never fires. What's going on here? ...

iPhone. Establishing a binary data stream with an HTTP server.

How do I establish an input stream over HTTP for the iPhone? My project is to incrementally pull binary data from an HTTP server to the iPhone. The pattern is to pull some data - this is a scientific app - analyze it for a while, pull more data. Rince, and repeat. This project is a port of a desktop Java app which relies on InputStream ...

How do I stream multiple web cams on a website?

A client has asked about designing a site that might have up to 200 live web cams placed in different places around the country streaming live on the website. What is the best way to do this? Thanks ...