How can I achieve the following in oracle without creating a stored procedure?
Data Set:
question_id element_id
1 7
1 8
2 9
3 10
3 11
3 12
Desired Result:
question_id element_id
1 7,8
2 9
3 10,11,12
I've got a load of materialized views, some of them take just a few seconds to create and refresh, whereas others can take me up to 40 minutes to compile, if SQLDeveloper doesn't crash before that.
I need to aggregate some strings in my query, and I have the following function
create or replace
function stragg
( input varchar2 )...
How to aggregate string( concatenate) with Oracle 10g SQL?
Anyone knows if String Aggregation in sqlite is possible?
If i have an animal column with 5 rows/datas, how can i combine them so that the output would be in one field
'dog','cat','rat','mice','mouse' as animals