
How do you get an unsigned long out of a string?

What's the safest and best way to retrieve an unsigned long from a string in C++? I know of a number of possible methods. First, converting a signed long taken from atol. char *myStr; // Initalized to some value somehow. unsigned long n = ((unsigned)atol(myStr)); The obvious problem with this is, what happens when the value stored i...

convert string into datetime format in Javascript

i have a string which, i want to compare with a javascript datetime object. how to convert string "1/1/1912" into datetime using JavaScript so that i can compare like if (EDateTime > ('1/1/1912')) {...} ...

Need to convert a ZIP file to a random text file.

As title says need to convert a Zip file to text file , no matter the size and no matter if it will make sense or not.But i need to reconvert it to that zip file again (Lose less). The main problem i am having is how to find a alternative text/number version of a character. The Ascii wont work clearly ,So need help what can be a alterna...

C++ Excel AddIn DLL that returns strings to C# and VBA

I'm in the process of creating an Excel addIn package to work with a web service. I have a C++ .xll addIn that uses MSXML to communicate with the web service, and registers worksheet functions, but otherwise provides no UI. I am developing a c# .net addIn to provide the GUI using the Office 2007 ribbon, and a VBA addIn for earlier versi...

Python parse comma seperated number into int

Possible Duplicate: How do I use Python to convert a string to a number if it has commas in it as thousands separators? How would I parse the string 1,000,000 (one million) into it's integer value in Python? ...

convert int into string with certain length of char

If the title wasn't clear, ill try to explain it well here. I have a bunch of integers, ranging from 1 to 999, and i need to convert these into strings, but when i do that, i need them to be 3 characters long. so for instance, if i had: int i1 = 45; then when i turned that into a string, i'd need this: "045" or similarly, if i had an ...

Converting a number to a string and back

I have always used streams, printf, string(x) or whatever the language in question offered to convert numeric types to a string or back. However I have never really considered how this is actually done. I searched around on Google, but all the results are just to use those varies methods, and not how the conversion is really done behind ...

How to convert nsstring to cString?

I have a nsstring(filePath),which has the path to the audio file.I want open the audio file, so i want to convert the nsstring to Cstring. fopen([filePath cStringUsingEncoding:1], "r"); is the above line is correct or not,because i can also use fopen([filePath cString], "r");, In some websites it is mentioned to use UTF8stringEncodi...