
C++ Press Enter to Continue

This doesn't work: string temp; cout << "Press Enter to Continue"; cin >> temp; ...

Looking for ways to improve my hangman code

Just getting into python, and so I decided to make a hangman game. Works good, but I was wondering if there was any kind of optimizations I could make or ways to clean up the code. Also, if anyone could recommend a project that I could do next that'd be cool. import sys import codecs import random def printInterface(lst, attempts): ...

How to do string manipulation in an NSValueTransformer?

I have a table column that I'm binding to a value in an NSArrayController. What I'm trying to do is display only a substring of the actual value in the array controller. The way I've been trying to do that so far is by creating an NSValueTransformer subclass, and then doing the string manipulation in the transformedValue method. Howev...

How do I get around the "'" problem in sqlite and c#?

I'm working in Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express with Sqlite. I understand that an apostrope (') in my text has problems in a query. My problem is that I thought I could replace it with \'. It doesn't seem to be working... Here's a parred down example of my code: string myString = "I can't believe it!"; cmd.CommandText = "Insert into ...

I can't find the logic error in this bubble sort code

I'm attempting to do a simple bubble sort code to get familiar with list/string manip & method use, but for some reason, when I attempt to iterate through each value in the list to remove white space and values that are non ints, it skips some. I haven't even gotten to the bubble sorting part.. #test data: 45,5j, f,e,s , , , 45,q, ...

Permutations of capitalization

I want to build a list containing every possible permutation of capitalization of a word. so it would be List<string> permutate(string word) { List<string> ret = new List<string>(); MAGIC HAPPENS HERE return ret; } So say I put in "happy" I should get an array back of {happy, Happy, hAppy, HAppy, haPpy, HaPpy ... haPPY, H...

C++ String Length?

How should I get the number of characters in a string in C++? ...

std::string length() and size() member functions

I was reading the answers for this question and found that there is actually method called length() for strings (I always used size()). Is there any specific reason for having this method in string class ? I read both MSDN and CppRefernce and they seem to indicate that there is no difference between size() and length(). If that is so, is...

tabbing in C# resource file

Hi How do i add a TAB (\t) to a string resource ? "\tText" doesn't work ...

Java String from Map of X-Y Coordinates

Hello, I have a Map where Coords is defined as so: class Coords { int x; int y; public boolean equals(Object o) { Coords c = (Coords)o; return c.x==x && c.y==y; } public Coords(int x, int y) { super(); this.x = x; this.y = y; } public int hashCode() { return new Inte...

Filter a String

I want to make sure a string has only characters in this range [a-z] && [A-Z] && [0-9] && [-] so all letters and numbers plus the hyphen. I tried this... C# App: char[] filteredChars = { ',', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '+', '=', '{', '}', '[', ']', ':', ';', '"', '\'', '?', '/', '.', '<', '>', '\\...

String distance library

Hi, I need to measure the distance between two strings (names of places). Since some times the names are written slightl differently I was looking for a library that could help me measure the difference and then combine it with a measure of the latitude and longitude to select the correct matches. Preferred languages: Java or Php Any s...

Using strsep() with dynamic array of strings in C

I have the following code: #include <string.h> int main(void) { char *buffer = NULL, **words = NULL, *aPtr = NULL, *sPtr; int count = 0; buffer = strdup("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); sPtr = buffer; do { aPtr = strsep(&sPtr, " "); words[count++] = ... // missing code } while(aPtr); ...

Having trouble with str.find()

I'm trying to use the str.find() and it keeps raising an error, what am I doing wrong? import codecs def countLOC(inFile): """ Receives a file and then returns the amount of actual lines of code by not counting commented or blank lines """ LOC = 0 for line in inFile: if...

With C# which one is faster - System.Convert.ToString( objThatIsString) or (string)objThatIsString ?

or objThatIsString.ToString() as it was pointed out in the aswers .. Faster not wiser .. ...

How do I handle special characters in a Java PrepareStatement?

In the following SQL query using the PreparedStatement class: String query_descrip = "insert into timitemdescription (itemkey, languageid, longdesc, shortdesc) values (?, 1033, ?,?)"; PreparedStatement pstmt2 = con.prepareStatement(query_descrip); pstmt2.setInt(1, rs4); pstmt2.setString(2, itemdescription); pstmt2.setString(3, itemdesc...

C#: What takes up more memory? A string or bytearray?

C#: What takes up more memory? A string or bytes? Let's say I have a line that reads "My Text", in which form would that line use up more memory, as a byte or a string? ...

How can I transform a string into an abbreviated form?

I want to fit strings into a specific width. Example, "Hello world" -> "", "Hello...", "He...rld". Do you know where I can find code for that? It's a neat trick, very useful for representing information, and I'd like to add it in my applications (of course). Edit: Sorry, I forgot to mention the Font part. Not just for fixed widt...

Split a html code in two equal content parts, in PHP or JS

I want to take the content of a website article and create two or more columns of text. The difficult part is that i must keep the html tags and also close them if the cutting is done inside a <p></p> for example. Example: <p><span>One two three <strong>four</strong></span> five six</p> Result: <p><span>One two three<span><p> <p><s...

Regular Expression for Stripping Strings from Source Code

Hello, I'm looking for a regular expression that will replace strings in an input source code with some constant string value such as "string", and that will also take into account escaping the string-start character that is denoted by a double string-start character (e.g. "he said ""hello"""). To clarify, I will provide some examples...