
Regular expression to strip everything but words

I'm helpless on regular expressions so please help me on this problem. Basically I am downloading web pages and rss feeds and want to strip everything except plain words. No periods, commas, if, ands, and buts. Literally I have a list of the most common words used in English and I also want to strip those too but I think I know how to d...

how to remove spurious non ascii characters, but keep spaces and newlines?

I have some text files that contain some non ASCII characters, I want to remove them, however keep the formatting characters. I tried $description = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/', '', $description); However that appeared to strip newlines and other formatting out and also had problems with some Hebrew which then converted th...

Does objective c have a strip tags function?

I am looking for an objective C function (custom or built-in) that strips html tags from a string, similar to PHP's version that can be found here: Any help would be appreciated! ...

How to remove tags from a string in python using regular expressions? (NOT in HTML)

I need to remove tags from a string in python. <FNT name="Century Schoolbook" size="22">Title</FNT> What is the most efficient way to remove the entire tag on both ends, leaving only "Title"? I've only seen ways to do this with HTML tags, and that hasn't worked for me in python. I'm using this particularly for ArcMap, a GIS program. I...

remove html <tags> from database-driven text within a wmd text-editor TEXTAREA

looking at this issue on stackoverflow, i got going in the right direction to what i'm looking for: i have a textarea similar to the following: <textarea id="inputPane" cols="80" rows="40" class="pane" style="height:300px;"> <table><tr><td> <b>...

remove all occurence of anchor tags from a string without removing thier child node

I have an html string and I need help transforming this: <table > <tr> <td><a href="/link.html" onclick="javascript:aFunction()">some text</a></td> <td><a href="/anotherlink.html">some more text</a></td> </tr> </table> to this: <table > <tr> <td>some text</td> <td>some more text</td> ...

How to strip all whitespace from string

How do I strip all the spaces in a python string? For example, I want a string like strip my spaces to be turned into stripmyspaces, but I cannot seem to accomplish that with strip(): >>> 'strip my spaces'.strip() 'strip my spaces' ...

php strip_tags: allows <br />?

Hi, How it is possible to allow <br /> in strip_tags() or any way I can get around to it? <?php $text = '<p>Test <br />paragraph.</p><!-- Comment --> <a href="#fragment">Other text</a>'; echo strip_tags($text); echo "\n"; // Allow <p>, <a>, <br /> echo strip_tags($text, '<p><a><br />'); echo "\n"; // Allow <br /> only echo strip_tags...

strip span tags from string with jquery

I am wanting to take the text value of a p tag when I press enter $.keynav.enterDown = function () { var accom = $('#suggestions p.keynavon').html(); alert(accom); } This is working great but the results contain <span> and </span> tags, is there anyway I can strip those tags from the string? ...

find the text and the strip the text at a certain point

I am trying to write this funtion to grab the text value and then strip the text from after the - symbol and the - symbol itself. eg some text - is found would become some text This is what iv got so far currently it just removes the - $.keynav.enterDown = function () { var accom = $('#suggestions p.keynavon').text().r...

Strip out 0 and any non number characters Javascript

How could I change this code to not allow a 0 and to strip out all non number characters? <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var a= document.getElementsByName('a')[0]; var b= document.getElementsByName('b')[0]; var c= document.getElementsByName('c')[0]; a.onchange=b.onchange=a.onkeyup=b.on...

How to strip html tags out of xml generated by builder in rails

Here is my situation. I'm trying to create a valid rss feed for an itunes podcast from an existing project. It's a rails application that allows uploading of mp3 radio shows to for listening on the site. I want to take all entries in the database and create an rss feed out of it. I'm using a builder file and everything is working fin...

How to use a REGEX pattern to remove a specific word "THE" only if at beginning of text string?

I have a text input field for titles of various things and to help minimize false negatives on search results(internal search is not the best), I need to have a REGEX pattern which looks at the first four characters of the input string and removes the word(and space after the word) _the _ if it is there at the beginning only. For examp...

Does Zend have something like {strip} in Smarty?

Smarty has a {strip} function: {strip} <table border='0'> <tr> <td> Hello world </td> </tr> </table> {/strip} Which outputs: <table border='0'><tr><td>Hello world</td></tr></table> I also want to do this in Zend (to reduce the amount of bites send on each request), without installing Smarty. However, I don't want to add ...

ruby: overriding strings' methods returning nil (strip!, upcase!, downcase!, capitalize!, chop!, chomp!, delete!, gsub!)

Those stupid 'string'.method! returning nil instead of self in ruby - can be easily overriden: class String ['strip!', 'upcase!', 'downcase!', 'capitalize!', 'chop!', 'chomp!', 'delete!', 'gsub!'].each do |meth| orig_meth = "orig_#{meth}" alias_method orig_meth, meth define_method(meth) do |*args| ...

Removing content from start and end of string (PHP)

Hi there, I'm trying to get a users ID from a string such as: To appear as 123456789 essentially stripping the info up to the first / and also removing the end /. I did have a look around on the net but there seems to be so many solutions but nothing answering both start and end. Thanks :) Update 1 ...

Getting rid of \&quot in js file

When i post something with " to a php page, it gets escaped with \&quot ; . To get rid of this in the php file, i've tried str_ireplace, htmlspecialchars_decode and stripslashes, nothing is working. Is there a way i can strip it out after it's returned to the js file? ...