
Convert string with commas to float

Is there a built-in Delphi function which would convert a string such as '3,232.00' to float? StrToFloat raises an exception because of the comma. Or is the only way to strip out the comma first and then do StrToFloat? Thanks. ...

Delphi 5 - StrToFloat results differntly on WinXP and Win2K

hi! I have this weird problem that a convert of a string on my machine and a production server gets different results eg: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var s1: string; f1: double; begin s1 := '1.234'; f1 := StrToFloat(s1); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var s2: string; f2: dou...

StrToFloat raise error in my Application not in any application

My application written month ago in Delphi 7. Now I want to convert a float str value (like 12.5) to extended, but delphi raise an error. Debugger Exception Notification Project Educatee.exe raised exception class EConvertError with message ''12.5' is not a valid floating point value'. Process stopped. Use Step or Run to continue. Sam...