
How can I remotely (via web services) determine date format of SharePoint 2003 site, for use in Versions.asmx returned XML?

The GetVersions() call to the Versions.asmx web service in SharePoint 2003 returns a localised date format, with no way of determining what the format is. It's the site regional setting of date format, but I can't find a way to get even that out of SharePoint 2003. Locally, it looks like SPRegionalSettings can be used (http://msdn.micros...

How do you change your apparent country of origin to test a site?

I want to be able to set my country of origin - does this involve testing through a proxy, or is there something that can be set else where? ...

Visual Studio appears to randomly adopt American keyboard layout

Gah! This is really causing me hassle today. Suddenly without warning '@' (at symbol) and '"' (double quote) are trading places on my keyboard but ONLY in Visual Studio 2008! I can't seem to find anything in help or online to explain/remedy this. Is there some keyboard shortcut I am inadvertently executing? I rebooted my PC and it we...

why can't i change my regional settings?

for about 2 hours i've been trying to find solutions on how to change my advanced regional settings(the one for language used in non-unicode programs) ..because everytime i try to change the language ...the system gives me an error that says: Setup was unable to install the chosen locale. Please contact your system Administrator. So wha...

Regional settings IIS6 and ASP.Net 2 - {0:c} returning too many decimals in gridview

Hi - I am currently moving my website from an existing web server to a new machine. The new machine is WIN Sever 2003 running IIS6. The site is using ASP.Net 2. I added the following to the <system.web> section in my machine.config file to get the website and any future sites to use South African regional settings instead of the defau...

Regional Proximity UI

I'm developing a UI (AJAX-enabled; LAMP server) which will allow a user to designate regions in which a company operates. A "region" in this case may be a state (if dealing with the US) a province (Canada), or entire country (everyone else). As there are 195 countries in the world, I would like to avoid a multi-select box or list of che...

Flex NumberFormatter according to windows

Is it possible to directly set the properties of NumberFormatter according to windows " Regional Setting "? If not, it there a function in Flex by which we can get the Regional Setting, and then we can change the properties of NumberFormatter according to it. ...

Convert string with commas to float

Is there a built-in Delphi function which would convert a string such as '3,232.00' to float? StrToFloat raises an exception because of the comma. Or is the only way to strip out the comma first and then do StrToFloat? Thanks. ...

How to read 'List separator' from OS in Java?

I am writing a CSV exporter in Java that should respect the user's custom settings, especially the "List separator" to use as a delimiter. In Windows, one can set this List separator in Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Regional Options -> Customize I don't know about the other operating systems, but I'm pretty sure t...

Detecting regional settings (List Separator) from web

After having the unpleasant surprise that Comma Seperated Value (CSV) files are not necessarily comma-separated, I'm trying to find out if there is any way to detect what the regional settings list separator value is on the client machine from http request. Scenario is as follows: A user can download some data in CSV format from web sit...

How can I change a Windows user's regional settings/date format?

I use a VB6/COM+ application which outputs date/time values based on the short date settings in the Control Panel, Regional Settings, for the user that runs it. The program that then parses that output has a configurable setting for the date format it expects, and presents in the UI. e.g. If the regional setting for the user is set to ...

Does DateTime.ToString("s") return always same format?

According to MSDN on DateTime.ToString ToString("s") should always return string in the format of the sortable XML Schema style formatting, e.g.: 2008-10-01T17:04:32.0000000 In Reflector I came to this pattern inside DateTimeFormatInfo. public string SortableDateTimePattern { get { return "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH'...

A better CDate for VB6

We have a a VB6 app (in a COM component) which uses CDate() to take a string and cast it to a Date, for storing in a database. Depending on if we want the application to talk in dd/MM/yy or MM/dd/yy for example, we have to change the regional settings of the identity user for the COM application. (Right now the only option we have is a...

Oracle: Set NLS_PARAMETERS with sqlplus

I found out my servers, running Oracle 10g, were not initializing with the same NLS_SORT value when using the sqlplus binary. Is there a way to set the default NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS for every instance of sqlplus? PS: The idea is not to do an ALTER SESSION at the beginning of every sql script. ...

Accessing "Measurement System" unit names (kg/lb, m/in, etc) in C#

Windows allows configuration of Measurement system to Metric or U.S. Is there a way to use this setting to read (abbreviated) unit names in C#? e.g. when displaying a weight in Metric I want to show kg but in U.S. I want to show lb. Similarly for length, volume, etc. I've looked at SystemInformation, CultureInfo, Configuration, and Glo...

SQL Decimal Issue

I have an input string in the following format: 12.34 When I call this line: db.AddInParameter(insertMessageDetailCommand, "AttachmentSize", System.Data.SqlDbType.Decimal , Convert.ToDecimal(this.messageEnvelope.EnvelopeInfo.AttachmentSize)); I get an input string not in the correct format. The server I am deploying to have regional...

Detect whether iPhone is displaying time in 12-Hour or 24-Hour Mode?

How can you detect whether iPhone is displaying time in 12-Hour or 24-Hour Mode? I currently monitor the current region for changes, however that's not the only setting that affects how times are displayed. The 24-hour toggle in the date & time settings overrides the current regions settings. Is there any way to detect this 12/14 hour ...

date format and regional settings

Hi all, I'm using MS SQL 2000, VS2008, MVC and C#. I'm trying to insert and update some data using stored procedures. Some columns are of type datetime. Regional settings on both server and client are set to Dutch (Belgium) This means the default date format is dd/mm/yyyy. When i try to insert or update with a date of eg. 28/03/2009,...

How can I set the Regional Options in a Visual Basic 6.0 Application?

I have a VB6's Application that is in production environment right now, this application is reading the pc's Regional Settings; but now, I need to set another Regional Settings for the application without change the pc's settings. How can I set the new Regional Settings globally with the lowest impact? Is there any configuration method...

Date format broken in .net 4.0 for uk format

I'm in the process of converting a couple of sites up to .net 4.0 and I seem to have a problem with regionalisaion of dates. This code: Date.Today.AddDays((Date.Today.DayOfWeek - 1) * -1).ToString() In .net 3.5 produces: '19/04/2010 00:00:00' but as soon as I change the app pool to 4.0 it produces: '4/19/2010 12:00:00 AM' Where can...