
Error with ASPNET RoleProvider

I just installed an application on a win2003 server and I'm getting this error: Line 149: <roleManager> Line 150: <providers> Line 151: <add name="AspNetSqlRoleProvider" connectionStringName="LocalSqlServer" applicationName="/" type="System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, Public...

Regional settings IIS6 and ASP.Net 2 - {0:c} returning too many decimals in gridview

Hi - I am currently moving my website from an existing web server to a new machine. The new machine is WIN Sever 2003 running IIS6. The site is using ASP.Net 2. I added the following to the <system.web> section in my machine.config file to get the website and any future sites to use South African regional settings instead of the defau...

How do I modify machine.config via an .msi package

I'm trying to create an installer that will deploy a .NET Managed data provider. In order for the data provider to appear as a provider in application drop-downs, I have to add the provider in the machine.config's section: <> <DbProviderFactories> <add name="My Data Provider" invariant="Sample.MyDataPro...

Cannot resolve SQL Server CE provider factory by invariant name

This line of code DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("Microsoft.SqlServerCe.Client"); throws this exception System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider. Although my machine.config file contains the following section <system.dat...

appSettings not being read from machine.config in Vista

I've recently moved up to Vista x64, and suddenly, my machine.config appSettings block isn't being read by any .NET assemblies. Right after configSections, and before configProtectedData in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG\machine.config, I have: <appSettings> <add key="foo" value="blah"/> </appSettings> <system...

Changing a value in the machine.config

What is the effect of changing a value in the machine.config file? Will this trigger the equivalent of IISReset on the machine? If not, will a running application immediately pick up new values added to this file? ...

Override machine.config with web.config

I have recently decided to move my connection strings to machine.config as this seems to be by far the most elegant approach for managing multiple environments. However, I would still like to be able to override these settings in my local web.config if the need arises (or the non-enlightened masses begin to complain). How can I override...

About Security of machinekey

We have a scenario using Forms Authentication in a web farm and need to setup identical <machinekey /> sections on each servers .config file. Is it better to store the <machinekey /> section in machine.config rather then web.config? what's the advantages and disadvantages of each approach concerning security? <machineKey valida... machine config file

If I put configuration settings (like membership provider) DB Connnection, etc. in the "machine.config", and remove the "web.config" file from my current application, will my application work without any trouble? Is it an accepted practice in .NET? ...