
C#/Resharper 5 structural search, detect and warn if any non-virtual public methods on classes with certain attributes.

Hi All, I'm using LinFu's dynamic proxy to add some advice to some classes. The problem is that the proxied objects can only intercept virtual methods and will return the return type's default value for non-virtual methods. I can tell whether a class is proxied or not based whether the class or any of it's method has an interception a...

IntelliJ IDEA structural search

Is it possible to do a structural search on instances of a certain class in IDEA? I want to search usages of == on two instances of a given class. The instantiation is not part of my search. E.g. Currency lhs = new Currency("CHF"); Currency rhs = new Currency("USD"); ... ... if (lhs == rhs) { } Here I'm looking for the lhs == rhs, ...

Finding Annotations in IntelliJ IDEA

I can easily find all mentions of some annotation in my project using SSR (structural search and replace). For example I have following spring based code: class DashboardController { @RequestMapping("/dashboard") public void doDashboard() { [...] } } If I search by pattern org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapp...