
How to achieve web site customization like iGoogle?

I'd like to know how to achieve web site customization like iGoogle (in particular I'd like to know how to drag/drop parts of web page (a.k.a. "prtlets") to different corners) ? ...

height: auto; doesn't work with firefox

I have Div Container with css class: .content4 { height: 1400px; width: 920px; border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; background-color: #FFFFFF; padding-bottom: 25px; padding-top: 25px; background-image: url(../images2/bg.gif); } and i need to make it auto height for its content its working properly in IE b...

What stylesheet gets used by loading ajax content?

I am trying to find out whether a piece of content included via ajax, needs it's own call to the stylesheet, or relies upon the stylesheet loaded of the calling page... It just isn't clear how it is being styled, and what is the source of that stylings.... My educated gut tells me it get it's styling from the calling page, but i'd like...

How to change the style of Title attribute inside the anchor tag?

Example: <a href="" title="My site"> Link </a> How do I change the "title" attribute. By default, it just has yellow background and small font. I would like to make it bigger and change background color. [edit] Is there CSS setting for the title attribute? ...

Changing a stylesheet using jQuery

How can I change a stylesheet using jquery in div tag on html? or what is the jquery code for changing stylesheets? in javascript, we use the below code : <script type="text/javascript"> function changeStyle() { document.getElementById('stylesheet').href = 'design4.css'; } </script> Is there a jQuery way? ...

Replace text between @import and \n with preg_replace (PHP)?

I use PHP. I'm working on a way to automatically put together all my CSS files into one. I automatically load the CSS-files and then saves them to a larger one, for upload. In my local installation I have some @import lines that needs to be removed. It looks like this: @import url('css/reset.css'); @import url('css/grid.css'); @impor...

Is there an easy way to reload css without reloading the page?

I'm trying to make a live, in-page css editor with a preview function that would reload the stylesheet and apply it without needing to reload the page. What would be the best way to go about this? ...

How to style an Horizontal Splitter panel in GWT 1.5

I have this requirement to style a right side of a horizontal splitter panel. From what i know, GWT 1.7 has support for the individual panel (left and right) styles, But we are using GWT 1.5 here. gwt code: HTML div1 = new HTML("Div 1"); div1.setWidth("200px"); div1.setHeight("200px"); HTML div2 = new HTML("Div 2"); div2.setWidth("400p...

Problem with Tapestry palette's arrow icons in IE8

I'm using Tapestry to create pages for a web app, and have been using the palette component to add/delete items to/from a group. The page looks great in Firefox (Tapestry seems biased towards Firefox), but my customers will all be using Internet Explorer (any versions from 6, 7, & 8) and in IE8, the disabled arrow buttons look awful. I...

Elaborate documentation / tutorial for using jQuery UI stylesheets in website.

Hello. I'm using jQueryUI in my web application. I'm planning to make the most of the out-of-the-box styling provided as part of the jQueryUI theme for my other elements of the application. However, I am struggling to find adequate documentation about using the styles in ui.core.css & ui.theme.css files. I am looking for elaborate doc...

$sf_response->addStyleSheet() dosen't work in SF 1.4 ?

Does anyone know how to add stylesheets in a template with Symfony 1.4 ? I have tried everything I can think of, from modifying frontend/config/view.yml to modifying the template itself - bothing works. I have seen from my searches, that other people have had the same problem. There seems to be a clash of sorts between using include_st...

Can you link to a CSS file from an email?

When sending an HTML email can you link to an external style sheet or does the CSS need to be included in the email? Also, if you can link to an external style sheet, which way is more efficient/is smarter to use: linking to the style sheet or including it in the HTML? ...

Remove style sheet in thickbox using jquery

I have a partial view (Partial.ascx), two master pages(Master1.Master and Master2.Master) and two Views(Page1.aspx and Page2.aspx) in my mvc (C#) application. I have referred different style sheet for each master page. When i show the partial view (Partial.ascx) as thickbox in View(Page1.aspx) whose Master page is Master1.Maste...

"The stylesheet was not loaded because its MIME type, "text/html" is not "text/css".

I have a javascript application and when I run it on firefox I am getting the following erro on the console: "The stylesheet was not loaded because its MIME type, "text/html" is not "text/css". DumbStuck!! EDIT: Note that it tells that "The stylesheet ABCD..." But ABCD is actually an HTML file. Edit (ANSWER) : Actually I had ...

globally style all html buttons only without requiring a 'class','id' or 'name'

The following styles all input tags, which means any 'type' of input tag gets styled. input { color:#050; font: bold 84% 'trebuchet ms',helvetica,sans-serif; background-color:#ffffff; border:1px solid; border-color: #696 #363 #363 #696; } how do I isolate it so all button input 'types' are styled differently than text input 'typ...

CSS parser/abstracter? How to convert stylesheet into object

Is there a standard or reliable method already out there for a javascript framework such as jquery to parse a stylesheet into an object? Two reasons for why I'm wondering: I have seen a couple of questions where someone wanted to know how to get the style attribute that was set by the stylesheet for a selector, not what the selector e...

Add conditional stylesheet into the Drupal's Chameleon theme

This is really urgent. I need to add a conditional stylesheet for IE6. However, in the chameleon theme there isn't any page.tpl. I download the conditional stylesheet module but it doesn;t work. I'm using Drupal 6 btw. ...

How to position relative elements with lots of next to a element that are not as high, floating left

Hello, I have a page where I have a menu to the left and to the right I have a new section with a lot of text. The text is positioned correctly to start with, but as soon as the text goes below the left menu's height, the text is positioned more to the left. I understand that this is because the section is floating (pls correct me if I'...

How to make this stylesheet swicther work with cookie

I found tvanfosson retheme plugin here. I simplified the plugin to suit my need. It works fine. I have a dropdown select list with numerical option values to choose stylesheets. But then I need to set a cookie for each style. The cookie is created, but had trouble to retain the cookie. Here is the modified plugin: ;(function($) { ...

Aligning text box in cell if table?

i want to align text box to right in cell of table. it is working in firefox but in internet explorer text box is coming somewhat downwards i.e. it is not coming as perfect as in firefox. <tr> <td id="searchRow"> <img id="imag"><a href="adminLogin.php" >Admin Login</a> <div style="float: right;text-align: right;">Sea...