
XML, XML Stylesheets XQuery: book and development environment

I'm completely new to XML Schema, XML Stylesheets and XQuery. To me, XML is just a text file just containing tags and values. I know that much, lol. I just got a homework asking us to design simple XML Schemas, and also applying Stylesheets and XQuery. Could anyone please point me to: "Best" books/resources (based on your experience...

css div centering

I am trying to center a div button and its not working here is the css .game-actions{ margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; } .game-actions a.up { display: block; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; padding:12px 32px; float: left; border: 1px solid #c1d9f6; -moz-border-radius: 7px; -webkit-bord...

Can I configure Compass to output the CSS on a different drive?

Let's say that I have a Compass project on D:\Compass (this is where I keep my sources) and I want to output my generated stylesheets on E:\CSS, is that possible in any way? I tried changing the --css-dir but it won't work because it has to be relative to the project dir? Has anyone tried this before? ...

Prevent Text Input expanding in IE

Hi, I am having a problem with an input field in IE. The code is for a portlet and widths need to be dynamic as the user can place the portlet on any of the three columns in the page which all have different widths. As always it works fine in FF but not in IE. In order to make the width dyanaic I have set width="100%". Data to popul...

How to dynamically create CSS class in JavaScript and apply?

I need to create a CSS stylesheet class dynamically in JavaScript and assign it to some HTML elements like - div, table, span, tr, etc and to some controls like asp:Textbox, Dropdownlist and datalist. Is it possible? It would be nice with a sample. ...

how to change the inline style of the page using jquery

I have an inline styles in my page as : <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>:: Inline Style Page ::</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { background: #fff; font: normal 12px Tahoma, Verdana, Arial; color: #636363; } #header { he...

CSS [if IE7] in StyleSheet?

Can you define an [if IE7] in the actual stylesheet? Or must you do it in the html to pull a different SS? Thanks! (Google isn't being kind to me =/) ...

css file path is right, css codes are valid, but it doesn't work

I have a weird, annoying problem. I have a css/ folder and index.html at the root. I load css files in the header as follows: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> ...

One CSS File or individual CSS files for each page?

When I am building pages, do I want to have individual stylesheets for each page or one large stylesheet for the entire site? For loading purposes, wouldn't you want a smaller stylesheet, therefor making individual ones is a better practice? ...

Is putting a div inside a anchor ever correct?

I've heard that putting a block element inside a inline element is a HTML sin: <a href=""&gt;&lt;div&gt; What we have here is a problem. You see, an anchor element is an inline element, and the div element is a block level element. </div></a> But what about if you style the outer anchor as "display:block" in th...

Stylesheet of Office2007

Where from I get a stylesheet of Office 2007 Blue for my controls like button, Dropdown list, gridview etc for my ASP.NET Application. ...

Isolate the styles in TinyMCE?

Hi is there a way that the content entered via TinyMCE isn't affected by the site's css? I want it that way because I want to display the content exactly as the user has entered in the editor. Thanks in advance! ...

How can I fix this styling bug in IE6?

I have a site I deployed for a client using Joomla, and a good number of visitors are using IE6. The client informed me that there is a styling bug when someone does a search and has the option to change the order or the page count. When they get to that screen and hover over the Shop menu item in the nav bar on the top the menu shows ...

css style Centering in safari

i'm using css style like this text-align:center; its working in IE and doesn't work with Safari.. any suggestions. thanks, ...

Google Mini proxystylesheet

Current Google Mini setup uses customized stylesheet setup on the appliance. I am looking to apply a different style to another collection I am integrating into a site. How can I override the default and apply a custom style? Where do you place the custom stylesheet so that it can be referenced? Thank you. ...

Saving complete Webpage into local disk using IHTMLDocument ATL interface.

Hello Experts, In our win32 ATL project requirement we need to save the browsed web page into local disk in order to view it offline. Using IHTMLDocument2 interface we have retrieved html content using get_all() method and retrieved images from the get_images() method. now how do we extract other external files such as stylesheet (.c...

Eric4 dark theme stylesheet

Does anyone use Eric4 and has taken the time to create a dark themed stylesheet (.qss or .css)? Surely, not everyone uses the default theme. I wish Eric4 made this easier to configure through their preferences settings. Thanks! ...

how to put a css class inside of a css class?

.mac{margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;} .table{.mac; color:red;} I want to be able to do that, it doesn't make sense to me why I would need to do: .table{margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; color:red;} I know for the table I could do: <table class="table mac"> or just type the .table{margin-left:auto; margin-right; color;} l...

XSL Template, some data not being pulled

Hi, I am trying to display xml data in html via XSLT. I am building a simple html table that displays a Name, Address, & Phone Number. The XSL template pulls the Name & Phone Number, but for some reason, it won't grab the Address. Please help, thanks in advance. XML Doc <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="testreport.xsl"?> <BpsR...

Using numerous tables in a single page, is it a problem ?

If i use multiple tables on a page say 15 tables in a single page then will it affect page performance? ...