
.NET equivalent of Java's List.subList()?

Is there a .NET equivalent of Java's List.subList() that works on IList<T>? ...

Find (and keep) duplicates of sublist in python

Hi, I have a list of lists (sublist) that contains numbers and I only want to keep those exists in all (sub)lists. Example: x = [ [1, 2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 6, 7], [2, 3, 4, 6, 7]] output => [3, 4] How can I do this? ...

Python list / sublist selection -1 weirdness

So I've been playing around with python and noticed something that seems a bit odd. The semantics of -1 in selecting from a list don't seem to be consistent. So I have a list of numbers ls = range(1000) The last element of the list if of course ls[-1] but if I take a sublist of that so that I get everything from say the midpoint to t...

unexpected sublist result returned by Hibernate query

Hi, I hava a HQL query as the following which returns a java.util.RandomAccessSubList of ORDER. The offset of the SubList is 1,so the first element of the query result list can't be accessed. SELECT vendor.order FROM OrderVendor vendor WHERE ORDER BY vendor.order.creationTime desc select order1_.order_id as order1_18_...

How to get a sublist without using the sublist method in java

This is what I have right now: public ArrayList subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex){ ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); for (int i=fromIndex;i<toIndex;i++) { a.add(stuff[i]); //stuff is a array of strings } return list; } But is it possible to return the sublist without creating a new array? I am restrict...