
Default action on JSF pages (ie pressing enter on input fields)

A HTML page is created using JSF and facelets (xhtml). There are 2 h:forms that goes to different places. The user enters data on one form and presses the "Enter" key. Here is where it gets tricky. On IE 6 and above, either the forms action gets submitted (which usually points to the page you are on) which then just reloads the page, or...

Opera problem with javascript on submit

I have an input element with onchange="do_something()". When I am typing and hit the enter key it executes correctly (do_something first, submit then) on Firefox and Chromium (not tested in IE and Safari), however in Opera it doesn't (it submits immediately). I tried using a delay like this: <form action="." method="POST" onsubmit="wait...

Remove submit.x and submit.y but retain other values in URL

With my PHP form, I want to pass one value to the URL, but remove submit.x and submit.y. Here's my form: <form action="booking.php" method="get"> <input type="image" value="access" class="rollbtn" src="../images/book-btn.gif" alt="Book" name="submit" /> </form> I want the URL to display booking.php?submit=access - but omit the x a...

show a hidden div on reload after submit_form button click

I need to show a div upon page reload after the user clicks on the submit form button. Specifically, I have a PHP contact form in a show/hide div. Clicking on contact shows and hides the contact form. Both the show/hide js and the php contact form work perfectly. When the user clicks submit -- the page reloads and the "message sent" is...

How to avoid resubmit in jsp when refresh?

I am writing a program, but i encounter a problem: when I refresh the jsp page, system will automatically resubmit the whole page, and i don't know how to avoid it, can someone help me ? ...

How to calculate difference of two fields on form submit Ruby on Rails

I am new to Ruby on Rails and have been using Scaffolding. On one of the forms I want to be able to have two fields and then have the difference between the two submitted to the database. Instead of :pickupamount, I want (Ending Amount - Starting Amount) to be calculated and entered into the pickupamount column of my database. Thanks ...

Problem with multi-forms submission in IE and Google chrome

I have serveral forms(user can add new form dynamically) in one page, they're all submitted to the same struts2 action. I need to submit all these forms when the user clicks the save button. Things go well in FF. But in IE and Google chrome, only the last form is submitted. Any help is appreciated. Thank you. Each form's elements are ...

jqmodal window closes on form submit for all browsers except FF

I have a comment window that opens up in a small jqmodal window. I am trying to use $.ajax to submit the form and show "success" in the small modal window. but in all browsers except firefox, the modal closes when I submit the form. <script type="text/javascript"> $().ready(function() { $('.reportForm').submit( function(){ if (docum...

PHP - Formula doesn't want to post with image

y0 c0derz! My formula looks like this: <form method="post" action="index.php?sida=upl" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="myform"> <input type="file" name="picture" id="picture" class="file_1" /> <input type="image" name="submit" style="margin-left: 120px;" src="uplbutt.png" /> </form> And the PHP code for the form...

How to submit a form with jQuery?

$('#form') Supposed the jQuery Object of the form is available. ...

Submitting a jQuery ajax form with two submit buttons

I have a form that looks like this: <form action="/vote/" method="post" class="vote_form"> <input type="hidden" name="question_id" value="10" /> <input type="image" src="vote_down.png" class="vote_down" name="submit" value="down" /> <input type="image" src="vote_up.png" class="vote_up" name="submit" value="up" /> </form> W...

in Struts2, to submit values by postwith using an action, method

Hello, I'm from South Korea :) I have a question, but I couldn't find a solution for my problem in Korean web community. <s:form name="form1" method="post" action="products" theme="simple"> <s:hidden name="code" value="%{code}"/> <s:submit type="button" name="method:selectSale" value="goPage"/> </s:form> This code has no problem....

[Struts2] using anchor instead of submit (post)

I have a question, but I couldn't find a solution for my problem in Korean web community. <s:form name="form1" method="post" action="products" theme="simple"> <s:hidden name="code" value="%{code}"/> <s:submit type="button" name="method:selectSale" value="goPage"/> </s:form> This code has no problem. But, I want to use "anchor" in...

Struts Tag> use anchor tag instead of submit

<s:form action="products" method="post" theme="simple"> <s:hidden name="code" value="%{code}"/> <s:submit type="button" method="selectSale" value="see"/> </s:form> Question> How can I change <s:submit> to <s:a> struts tag? I want to send parameters to next page(action) by post (not get) ...

Do all browser's treat enter (key 13) the same inside form?

I have a form with multiple submit buttons, each of which is relevant to how the user wants the data saved and/or loaded. The problem is (or was) that if a user pressed enter on the last (or any other) input within the form, the submit button that seemed to be called was the "load saved formed" which is at the top of the form. All attem...

Struts Tag> submit to anchor

Question> How can I change <s:submit> to <s:a> in struts tag? I want to send parameters to next page(action) by post (not get) <s:form action="products" method="post" theme="simple"> <s:hidden name="code" value="%{code}"/> <s:submit type="button" method="selectSale" value="see"/> </s:form> help me~ ...

Change input value on Wordpress' get_search_form()

Trying to use the new get_search_form() function on WordPress, I noticed I can't remove the textual label from the search submit button. Any ideas? ...

Basic jQuery slideUp/slideDown help.

I was wondering if there was a function that I can add to this, that would show the data again, as in make it slide back down or something after a given set of time so you can go back and re-enter your data. It currently just slides up after submit, and then shows the text. $("#help").slideUp(function() { $("#help").before('<div class...

How to remove get param on form submit?

Can you advice me how to remove get parameter (input text) without removing the value of the input or disabling it? Is this possible at all? ...

Making a form re-enabled after it has been disabled, using jQuery.

I currently have my code set to disable the submit button when the field is submitted. Is there a way I can make it re-enable the submit button later? The first half of my code. $("#segment").submit(function () { $(':submit').attr('disabled', 'disbled'); The second half of my code. if (data == 'success') { $("#se...