
How to update a git repo containing a submodule?

After some time I wanted to update my git repo, and then something went wrong. What is the proper way out of this situation? mblsha@siruba:~/src/psi/ $ git status iris: needs merge # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # # modified: src/common.cpp # # Changed but not updated: #...

Using Git, what's the best way to subtree merge an external project that has submodules?

I'm using a Git repository for everything related to a website I'm developing. The repository holds all files related to the site, including documentation, mockups, original layered images, etc. as well as the web root stuff that I've put in a www subdirectory. I'm at the point where I want to start integrating the CMS I've chosen to us...

Projects within projects using Git

How do I set up a Git project to contains other projects? eg. I am working on an online mapping app. We developed a GPS tool together with an outfit in SF. We simultaneously developed a Python Geomapping script together with a different concern (that only cares about geomapping). Our own core files unite the two, and build upon them ...

How do I manage conflicts with git submodules?

I have a git superproject that references several submodules and I am trying to lock down a workflow for the rest of the my project members to work within. For this question, lets say my superproject is called supery and the submodule is called subby. (Then is a simplification of what I'm trying to do...I'm not actually using the branch...

Radiant extensions on Heroku?

Anyone have any experience yet getting Radiant CMS extensions to actually make it onto a heroku instance? I have tried removing the submodules and adding the files back, but haven't really had much luck... ...

Changing remote repository for a git submodule

I've created a git repository with a submodule in it. I'm able to tell the submodule itself to change its remote repository path, but I'm not sure how to tell the parent repository how to change the remote repository path for the submodule. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm somewhat out of luck and have to do things manually, as even delet...

Are git submodules the only safe way to have working copies within working copies?

In my scenario, I have a program that analyzes data input files and produces other data output files. I want to version control the program, and I want to version control the data files, and as a matter of preference, I want to have the working copy of the data files within the working copy of the program. I want the program and data to ...

Howto extract a git subdirectory and make a submodule out of it?

Hi, I started a project some months ago and stored everything within a main directory. In my main directory "Project" there are several subdirectories containing different things: Project/paper contains a document written in LaTeX Project/sourcecode/RailsApp contains my rails app. "Project" is GITified and there have been a lot of com...

How to apply a git patch from one repository to another?

I have two repositories, one is the main repo for a library, and the other is a project using that library. If I make a fix to the in the subservient project, I'd like an easy way to apply that patch back upstream. The file's location is different in each repository. Main repo: Project:

Middle-ground between submodules and branches?

I just got around creating topic branches for my project's unfinished features, managed by Git. They are all very self-contained in such a way, that one topic branch doesn't directly relate to another topic branch. All branches, however, have some common ground, the master branch, which is the core of the system, the topic branches just ...

How do you handle deploying rails applications with submodules?

I recently turned a couple of my plugins into submodules and realized that when you "git clone" a repository, the submodule directory will be empty. This makes sense for co-developers to initialize their submodules and update. However, when I deploy with capistrano the submodule code will obviously not be deployed which causes proble...

git submodules: ln -s

How can I create a directory link that will survive git submodule update? Given the following example directory structure: proj |-- lib3 | `-- submod | `-- lib `-- lib I created a soft link from proj/lib/ to proj/lib3/submod/lib using something like the following command: brad@bradpc:~/proj/lib$ ln -s ../lib3/submod/lib subm...

When do I want to use Ruby On Rails submodules?

I like the idea of using submodules, but I am worried that I am leaving my code in someone else's hands. The main issue is that every time I deploy with capistrano, a new copy of the submodule is checked out since I am using: set :git_enable_submodules, 1 So what happens if someone commits broken code? Then I app breaks on deploy. ...

Git - easy way pull latest of all submodules

Hi, We're using git submodules to manage a couple of large projects that have dependencies on many other libraries we've developed. Each library is a separate repo brought into the dependant project as a submodule. During development, we often want to just go grab the latest version of every dependant submodule. Does git have a bui...

git submodules: customization

When using git submodules, what is the preferred way of doing customizations? Should I... fork the project and track the fork attempt to override the default behavior make the changes locally If none of these makes sense, then what does? ...

git submodule from Hg repo?

I have a very old project that includes the source from another project directly, instead of linking it as a library. Back in the bad days, when I was keeping everything in CVS, I had the external code on a vendor branch and did periodic imports. Now that my project is in git it would make more sense to include the external project as a ...

Git Submodule to a subfolder

In svn you can link a repository to any folder in another svn repository. I'm wondering if there is a similar feature for git? Basically I want a git submodule inside my repository, but I want the submodule to be a pointer to a subfolder of another git repository, not the whole repository. Is this possible? ...

To show external code dependency in Git by a submodule

Solved Problem: to show external code dependency by submodules: Thanks to VonC! Current Problem: to have a submodule without duplicate contents in two folders A temporary solution to the current problem: to change the name of the folder to bin-github, since the name of the folder as a submodule is bin. This means I need to duplicate c...

Unable to `git submodule foreach git pull`

This question is based on this thread. My .gitmodules is at my Home [submodule "bin"] path = bin url = git:// My folder -structure at my Home: ~ |-- [drwxr-xr-x] bin // this is the folder which I make a submodule // it is also a folder where I have a...

git segfaults on merge - submodule conflict

I'm trying to combine code on two branches with the 'git merge' command, but git is crashing during the process. I need to find an alternative way to merge these branches. To increase merge output to a debug level I ran: $ export GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY=5 I am currently on the destination branch. git-status shows everything clean an...